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‘Fragmentation’ and ‘Mistrust’ are two hallmarks of US policy in Pakistan. The study blames Washington for pursuing political and economic policies toward Pakistan that could lead to the balkanization of this nuclear-armed nation with the world’s seventh largest standing armed forces.
REPORT RELEASE | October 2010
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Chronic political instability in today’s Pakistan is partially the result of efforts by the United States in 2006 and 2007 to create a pliant ruling coalition in Islamabad with the help of former president Pervez Musharraf, says a report issued by an independent Pakistani think tank.
Pakistan needs to remain calm and keep a defensive posture in dealing with an unfriendly American military presence in the region. “We should remain calm and defensive, rather than reactive,” says Dr. Muhammad Hafeez in the study titled, ‘Divide Your Enemy: Fragmentation And Mistrust, Tools of American Foreign Policy Towards Pakistan’.
“Pakistan should continue its present policy to deal with American threats defensively,” read one of the recommendations in the report, released on Oct. 31, 2010, by Project For Pakistan In 21st Century, an independent think tank based in Islamabad.
The author, a professor and a public policy expert, says Washington is guilty of pursuing political and economic policies toward Pakistan that could lead to the balkanization of this nuclear-armed nation with the world’s seventh largest standing armed forces.
“The present American foreign policy towards Pakistan is constructed on the notions: ‘fragmentation’ and ‘mistrust’. Pakistani society is being divided or shattered through economic, social, political, and military means,” the report says.
The Project Pakistan 21 study recommends ‘futuristic planning’ and ends on an optimistic note. “Pakistanis must repose increasing confidence in Pakistan’s abilities to face the imposed war,” the report says.
Click here to see the PDF version of the full report.
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I will second both of you on each one of your stands. However, I believe that an aggressive awareness campaign is to be launched immediately, to get the majority on-board before taking any action. This would mean involving the most brilliant and sincere media personalities and other sincere citizens without pushing any political agenda(s). We are presently living in the information age, and it is much easier to get the right ideas circulated faster than we can think. The rest will rest on Almighty Allah’s guidance and help, InshAllah.
This report amply fleshes out the details of the US led western crusade, but the thrust of its contents are nothing new. Even without a phd and inside inofrmation one can easily know the characteristic capitalist objective, and means through which the west practices it.
What is most important to me is the reports recommendation for a defensive posture.
Tell me why exactly should we be defensive ? Why not simply say no, and exercise our 100% sovereignty ?
Perhaps it is because the reporter thinks pakistan could expend a few more innocent pakistani lives for the US ? Or perhaps the benefit is some financial interest ?
Thanks for taking time to read the article. In my view, our society and social systems remain weak and we can not afford increasing socio-political instability at the moment. Public seems not to understand the deceptive environment we live in. The defensive posture is making many people/public realize the implicit socio-political/strategic systems; it is creating the right sentiments to do what you are suggesting. I think, ultimately, Pakistan will stand up and say ‘NO’ (as you have wished). I like to appreciate your confidence in ourselves and your point/suggestion is quite valid, relevant, and workable. I hope and pray that we do that as we do have the ability. Pakistan’s recent stand on US’s shipments through Torkhum for several days is an example.