North Waziristan: The Death Trap

Stirring the hornet’s nest may lead to more instability and insecurity in Pakistan: Concludes a new study by Spearhead Research.
Stirring the hornet’s nest may lead to more instability and insecurity in Pakistan: Concludes a new study by Spearhead Research.
Why half a million Mehsuds were turned into refugees in their own country? Why the Wazirs were stopped from selling their fruits in the markets of their own country? Do we need to keep on killing and destroying our own people in the pursuit of this unending and unwinnable war?
Napoleon Bonaparte was correct in his assessment when he termed the British a nation of petty shopkeepers. The traits of that nation have still not changed much. Exhibit A: David Cameron, the news salesman-premier of Great Britain.
The move underscores the changing mood in Pakistan after the latest anti-Pakistan tirades in the United States. Pakistan has been the target of the worst demonization campaign since 2004. This campaign has almost exclusively been waged by US officials, think tanks and the media, with some of the negative coverage coming from pro-US politicians and media outlets in countries such as Britain.
How can we have information and intelligence-sharing with a country that has systematically done and continues to do a hatchet job on our premier intelligence agency and Pakistan military? It is time for Pakistan to sever its links and cooperation with the US.
Since late 2006, United States government, military, intelligence and media have been orchestrating regular attacks against Pakistan, creating a false alarm about its nuclear capability and portraying its premier spy agency, the ISI, as a threat to world peace. Here is a chance for Pakistan to use these documents to argue its own case more confidently.
Already, since 9/11 Pakistan has suffered losses of over $ 43 billion. Even more critical, it has lost 3000 civilians, and 2,550 security personnel as well as over 7000 citizens injured. And no one has tallied up the costs to the environment and the social structures of the country.
Ironically, in an effort to demonise Pakistan and Pakistanis, they have also conveniently forgotten that none of the 9/11 terrorists were Pakistani or had lived in Pakistan. But such sensitive details are lost on a US Administration that effectively is following the Bush policies on Pakistan.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—One Muslim tried to bomb Times Square. But another Muslim, from Senegal, is the hero who averted a disaster by his quick action. Isn’t that news? It is. But you won’t hear it in the US media because the organized demonization campaign by vested interests in Washington seeks to convince US public opinion that Washington should launch and expand a war inside Pakistan.
KARACHI, Pakistan—Unfortunately, pro-US elements in the Pakistani media and government have launched a campaign to push the Pakistani military into a debacle in North Waziristan, where Pakistan will again be fighting its own citizens. The biggest beneficiary will be TTP and other groups that are being supported by Pakistan’s enemies on Afghan soil.
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