
Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘US’

Evidence Out: Raymond Allen Davis Is A Fake US Diplomat

Evidence Out: Raymond Allen Davis Is A Fake US Diplomat

Raymond Davis worked in Pakistan as a special operations, intelligence and security contractor of CIA. His wife has told American journalists her husband told her to contact a CIA official if he fell in trouble. The case exposes CIA’s secret espionage network in Pakistan.

Lahore: A Target Of Indian Spies, And Now American Spies

Lahore: A Target Of Indian Spies, And Now American Spies

The city of Lahore is exposed not only to local terrorists working with foreign handlers, but also to Indians and now to private American security contractors. This exclusive report was first published by on 16 March 2010. It was reproduced on 5 February 2011 after new evidence emerged in the case of Raymond Davis, a US citizen caught working under diplomatic guise for US intelligence.

The Long History Of US Special Ops Disguised As American Diplomats In Pakistan

The Long History Of US Special Ops Disguised As American Diplomats In Pakistan

John Arso, Pickel Robin Kenneth, Lister Douglas Michael, Clen Denen Jason Robert and Steele Jr Richard Earl, James Bill Koeen and Charlie Benzic are the names of some of the US ‘diplomats’ arrested in Pakistan over the past three years. What were four US ‘diplomats’ carrying M-4 machine guns and wearing Pakhtun clothes and beards doing entering the Pakistani capital coming from the Afghan border?

North Waziristan: The Death Trap

North Waziristan: The Death Trap

Stirring the hornet’s nest may lead to more instability and insecurity in Pakistan: Concludes a new study by Spearhead Research.

I Am SUSHI-Sunni And Shia

This American-Egyptian Islamic activist says he finds Muslims of all schools of thought living peacefully and cooperating with each other while living in the US when these same Muslims fight each other back in their home countries. He gives due credit to the American people for accepting others different than them, but he also makes a good argument on harmony among Muslims from different schools of thought.

Leaked Photos Of China’s Stealth Fighter

China’s J-20 stealth fighter made its first public test flight on Tuesday, completing a 15 minute test run over an airfield near the southwestern city of Chengdu in Sichuan province.

How To Save America From The Abyss

The near assassination of US politician Gabrielle Giffords shows how extremism and violence in America threaten to poison world peace in 21st century. This is the time to ask America to act. Forget Sudan and Afghanistan. Time to save America.

India Needs To Share Its Wealth With Its People

India misleads the world by claiming its space program is for commercial purposes. This is a first-rate military program that wastes resources, heightens tensions in the region and fulfils Indian elites’ aggressive designs toward Pakistan and China.

US Diplomats Escaping Pakistan?

US Diplomats Escaping Pakistan?

US bully diplomacy in Pakistan and blunders in neighboring Afghanistan have placed unbearable pressures on American diplomats. The latest one to fall is Elizabeth Rood, US Consul General in Peshawar.

Haqqani: Treat Pakistanis Like ‘Rug-Sellers’, Horny Shy Woman

Haqqani: Treat Pakistanis Like ‘Rug-Sellers’, Horny Shy Woman

Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States tells US officials Pakistanis will accept peanuts in any deal and that Pakistan is like a horny woman that wants sex but not without some material benefits first.

Wikileaks Leak About India, Israel And Afghanistan

Wikileaks Leak About India, Israel And Afghanistan

US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks show the mistrust US officials harbor toward Indian leaders. The former Indian army chief Gen. Kapoor is described by one cable as ‘incomptenet combat leader’ with ‘unrealistic war doctrines’. The current Indian army chief is dubbed as ‘egotist’ and ’self-obsessed’. Privately, US diplomats admit Karzai has allowed India and Iran to expand intelligence presence inside his country. Israeli spy chiefs are accused of raising assassination teams and drawing up war plans against Iran.

Pakistani Politician Who Resisted US Embassy In Islamabad

Pakistani Politician Who Resisted US Embassy In Islamabad

Imran Khan, the only Pakistani politician who refused to toe the line set by the US Embassy in Islamabad.

جمھوریت سے پھلے خوشحالی: اسلام اباد کو غلاموں سے آزاد کرنا ہے

جمھوریت سے پھلے خوشحالی: اسلام اباد کو غلاموں سے آزاد کرنا ہے

وکی لیکس نے ظاہر کر دیا ہے کہ ہماری قیادت کمزور اور عدم تحفظ کا شکار ہے۔ اس سے ریاست کے خلاف بغاوت کرنے والوں کے حوصلے میں اضافہ ہو سکتا ہے۔ اگر جنرل کیانی تختہ الٹتے ہیں تو یہ امریکا کے ساتہ کی گئی خفیہ سمجہوتوں سے فوری اور حتمی چھوٹ چھٹاؤ ہوگا اور ہمیں اس کے نتائج کے لئے تیار رہنا ہوگا۔ اس صورتحال سے نبٹنا، نظام حکومت اور فرد کے جوہر سے متعلق ہے۔ انصاف کی بات ہے کہ یہ بہت مشکل دعوت ہے۔

Freeing Islamabad From American Clutches

Freeing Islamabad From American Clutches

If Gen. Kayani is going to turn the tables, it will have to be a clean break and we have to be ready for the consequences.

Politicians, Military Drag Foreign Diplomats Into Local Politics

Politicians, Military Drag Foreign Diplomats Into Local Politics

Unfortunately, both politicians and military commanders flouted Pakistani laws and conducted direct diplomacy with western diplomats bypassing the Pakistan Foreign Office and encouraging foreign meddling in internal Pakistani matters.