Pakistan has been turned into a war-on-terror parking lot: 3000 American Special Forces units operate in Pakistan at the present. Pakistan’s politicos have always shown remarkable generosity in passing down the costs of their decision-making to the people. Guantanamo is a thriving industry in Pakistan and the foremost field of Pakistan-US collaboration. Pakistan’s police, army and frontier corps are part of the American security system in Pakistan.
November 22, 2010 | Posted in
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Forget the Clinton-Qureshi talks. Remember the Talbott-Shamshad strategic dialogue in 1998? The declared aim was better bilateral relations but in reality the talks were a cover for US ideas on how Pakistan should maintain its nuclear weapons. The Americans have a long history of saying one thing and meaning something else. US wants Pakistan Army to launch North Waziristan war to isolate Pakistan from Afghan Taliban and future US-Taliban contacts could exclude Pakistan.
October 22, 2010 | Posted in
Foreign Meddling,
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Pak-US Dialogue,
Shireen M. Mazari,
United States,
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The riddle of Pak-US Strategic Dialogue is easy to solve: US won’t cut much slack to Pakistan to appease India and absorb the historical Indian negativity toward Pakistan.
October 21, 2010 | Posted in
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Pak-US Dialogue,
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National Logistics Cell, NLC, a successful public sector company created by dedicated officers from the Pakistani military and the talented Pakistani private sector, nosedived under three Army generals during the reign of former President Musharraf. In violation of clear instructions by former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, the three men invested the entire pension fund of the company, a large amount of its surplus cash and a bank loan of two billion rupees into the stock market. If the probe by the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee is correct, the three men conspired with brokers to enrich themselves. Bad apples in our midst must be removed and punished.
October 20, 2010 | Posted in
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At an event organized by the British Army for world militaries to compete in toughness, with 750 soldiers participating worldwide, Pakistani soldiers bagged the Gold Medal for being the toughest soldiers capable of patrolling in the most difficult conditions.
October 19, 2010 | Posted in
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At an event organized by the British Army for world militaries to compete in toughness, with 750 soldiers participating worldwide, Pakistani soldiers bagged the Gold Medal for being the toughest soldiers capable of patrolling in the most difficult conditions.
China’s aid to Pakistan after the historic floods of 2010 is a landmark event in politics and strategy. For the first time, military helicopters of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) were sighted across Pakistani skies, shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistani military in helping flood victims. It’s also the first time PLA participated in a humanitarian mission outside China.
Why half a million Mehsuds were turned into refugees in their own country? Why the Wazirs were stopped from selling their fruits in the markets of their own country? Do we need to keep on killing and destroying our own people in the pursuit of this unending and unwinnable war?
September 21, 2010 | Posted in
Ayaz Wazir,
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The ‘Feudal democracy brigade’ is causing the greatest damage to this country and the Pakistani middle and lower classes are the hardest hit. All institutions must play a role to prevent a national collapse and the Pakistani military is no exception.
Pakistanis surprised skeptics. The war saw the largest tank battle since WWII and one of the best air-combat performances in the 20th century, with Pakistani fighter jets shaking the Soviet-built Indian air fleet. While Pakistani soldiers crossed deep inside Indian territory, they also suffered more losses as a result. China moved units from its formidable People’s Liberation Army to the border with Pakistan, in a sign that sent shivers across New Delhi.
ایک طرف مسلم لیگ (ن) کی تیاری ہے جنہوں نے اس حکومت کو اب تک فرینڈلی اپوزیشن مہیا کی اور عوام کو سسکتا دیکھ کر خاموشی سے اپنی باری کا انتظار کرتے رہے لیکن اب اپنی کرسی پر آمر کا سایہ دیکھتے ہی بلبلا اٹھے ہیں، ایک طرف عوامی نشینل پارٹی کی تیاری ہے جہاں انکی سونے کے انڈے دینے والی مرغی موت کے قریب ہے، ایک طرف متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کی تیاری ہے جو عالمی سیاست کے ناپاک کھیل میں پلید ترین موھڑے کی حثیت سے اس ملک میں فساد برپا کر کے اسکے ٹکڑے کرنے کو تیار ہے،
Pakistan is important. For years, the “CIA” and other intelligence organizations have been in Balochistan sneaking in and out of Iran blowing things up. How much of that is CIA and how much is Mossad, nobody knows for sure. This is another terrorist organization, called the “Jundallah.” Like the PKK in Turkey and the Tehrik-i-Taliban, the terrorist group making life in Pakistan a living hell, the Jundallah get all the money, weapons, training, transportation and maybe more, much more, they need to fight covert wars against the targets of Tel Aviv.
یہ بات درست ہے کہ ماضی میں فوجی جرنیلوں کے اقدامات کی بدولت فوج کی عوام میں مقبولیت کو شدید نقصان پہنچا، لیکن دہشت گردی کے خلاف جنگ اور سیلاب کی موجودہ صورتحال میں فوج کا اہم اور فعال کردار ماضی کی تلخیوں کو کم کرنے میں کارآمد ثابت ہوگا۔ اس بات میں کوئی دو رائے نہیں کہ پاکستانی عوام پر آنے والے اس کڑے وقت میں جمہوری حکومت کی طرف سے غیر ذمہ دارانہ رویہ کے بعد صرف پاک فوج ہی وہ ادارہ نظر آتا ہے جو متاثرین کی عملی مدد میں پیش پیش ہے۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ اب عوام کی اکثریت مدد کے لیے اپنے منتخب کردہ MNA یا MPA کے انتظار کے بجائے جس ادارے کی طرف دیکھ رہی ہے، وہ ہے پاک فوج۔
A Smart Coup: Why One Last Military Intervention In Pakistan Remains A Possibility

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—If it comes to a military-led intervention, both military officers and politicians will have to stay out of actual power. The army chief may not become a chief executive. The military might have to look into a new concept called the ‘Smart Coup’, where the military can bring capable Pakistanis to power with a firm executable plan of reform over five years, or more, fully backed by the military. There may not be time to put the plan to vote. It will have to be implemented. This would be the absolute last option. But we are nowhere near that right now. Gen. Kayani certainly has no such thing in mind according to people who have met him.< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Seymour Hersh might have come up with some absurd findings, like concluding that religious extremism has multiplied in Pakistan because no one offered him Johnny Walker Black during his recent visit. But apart from that, Pakistan’s national security managers should sit up and take notice of one glaring fact: The US media and some circles in the Washington establishment are behind the worst global demonization campaign against Pakistan. This is denting national morale and forcing Pakistanis to question if their military is capable of defending the nation, since politicians have proven to be a disaster.
November 9, 2009 | Posted in
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