
Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘India’

India Grandstands, Refuses To Help In Probe And Raises Tensions With Pakistan On Mumbai Anniversary

It is shocking that this comes just as Pakistan asked Indian interrogators to testify in a trial in Pakistan of alleged Mumbai attack suspects. While Indians delay extending cooperation, they summon the top Pakistani diplomat for a show reminiscent of melodramatic Indian films.

How To Milk America: India’s Experience

From day one India has played rough against Pakistan. Now it is playing with fire by assuming that it is at par with China. Let’s hope for sanity to prevail in Chanakyapuri.

Who In Pakistan Is Responsible For CIA Drones?

Who In Pakistan Is Responsible For CIA Drones?

Who should be held responsible: retired General Pervez Musharraf, President Asif Ali Zardari or COAS Gen. Ashfaque Parvez Kayani? They can’t shun their responsibility for the rise in CIA drone attacks in Pakistan in the past three years and someone will have to become answerable in front of the Pakistani nation.

Dvija Jee: New Indian Political Science – Lesson#01

Dvija Jee delves into the Indian mind and, in a few words, explains how India’s rise as a superpower beats all examples from history.

Obama’s Idol, Gandhi, Was An Anti-African Racist, Endorsed Jewish Genocide

Western media has romanticized Gandhi, and other cultures followed blindly. To this day, South Africans won’t allow Indians to erect a statue of Gandhi in Durban. Research by Time magazine, Nobel Peace Committee and US Congress confirms India’s founding hero, and US President Barrack Obama’s idol, supported anti-African apartheid and extermination of Jews. His wife died of a preventable disease because his religious extremism stopped him from using ‘western’ penicillin.

India Creating ‘Anti-Pakistan’ Afghanistan: Musharraf

India Creating ‘Anti-Pakistan’ Afghanistan: Musharraf

United States equally responsible, not just Pakistan, former president Musharraf tells a think-tank audience in New York.

McGandhi? India Now Closer To McDonald’s Than To Mahatma Gandhi

Today, Gandhi’s nation is teeming with Hindu extremist groups and the state is armed to the teeth with latest weapons, while most Indians remain poor. Gandhi admirers forget that he was assassinated by the Indians themselves.

Saffron Media: India’s TV Channels Helped Hindu Extremists Physically Attack Arundhati Roy

A prominent Indian journalist and rights advocate accuses Indian media of calling Roy a ‘traitor’ and sending outdoor broadcasting vans to Roy’s residence ahead of the Hindu mob, thereby becoming an accessory to a criminal attack.

Dvija Jee: How India Stopped Obama From Raising Kashmir

Once again, wily Indian officials succeed in stopping Mr. Obama from raising the Kashmir dispute with Pakistan. But how did they do it? Here is a sarcastic and satirical take from our own resident expert on Indian affairs: Dvija Jee.

Obama Ticks Off Half Of India Over Pakistan

Typical of its small mindset that contradicts its claims to superpower status, India made Obama’s first day of the visit about Pakistan instead of it being about India. And it flatly lost.

Dvija Jee On Obama’s Visit To India

Dvija Jee joins us to provide his exclusive perspective on India’s policy options and superpower ambitions. Today, he debutes with President Obama’s visit to India.

World Athlete Lost It In India Because Of Filth

This is what India hides behind claims of being a superpower aspirant: the world’s biggest concentration of disease while spending billions on weapons.

Obama Leads The American ‘East India Company’ To New Delhi

India’s weapons purchases from the United States are not bigger than Saudi Arabia or the oil-rich Gulf states. Nor is the Indian IT industry really much more than a Call-Center industry that can’t even beat the Chinese IT base. India is worried about a popular backlash in the US against Indianizing American jobs. As Obama heads to India, the picture is more complicated than what is being projected.

If Arundhati Roy Is Jailed Or Killed

A Hindu extremist political party has attacked the house of renowned Indian novelist Arundhati Roy. Her crime? Speaking up for the rights of the people of Kashmir who are facing the wrath of a million-man army. India is risking a lot by letting its extremists harass this Indian lady.

A Visit To India, A Lollypop To Pakistan

A Visit To India, A Lollypop To Pakistan

What part of ‘Kabul-Delhi-but-not-Islamabad’ that Pakistani officials don’t understand? You can visit India every quarter, Mr. Obama, but coming next door without dropping by is an insult. Period. $64 billion in Pakistanis losses, 5000 dead and a generation of Pakistani children orphaned by America’s war. Pakistani officials visiting Washington without talking about this do not represent the views of the Pakistani nation.