
Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘Hindu Terrorism’

Pakistan Catches Indian Spy, Indian Embassy Involved In Espionage

Interrogations with the arrested Indian spy have shed some light on covert Indian spy networks inside Pakistan. New information includes leads on Indian intelligence priorities in the region, which are focused on putting pressure on Pakistan and ISI through fake terror acts that could also destroy peace talks between India and Pakistan.

Pakistan Set For Extradition Request For Two Indian Terrorists

Pakistan Set For Extradition Request For Two Indian Terrorists

The two, one Hindu clergyman and the other a serving officer of the Indian military intelligence, killed more than 60 Pakistani goodwill visitors who were on a peace mission to India in 2007.

Hindu Terror: The Mirror Explodes

Hindu terror is a reality, yet India refuses to utter its name. An excellent investigative story by Indian journalists working for the Outlook India magazine.

India’s Swami Exposes Hindu Terrorism

India’s Swami Exposes Hindu Terrorism

The revelations about Hindu terror become more important in light of the statements made by Rahul Gandhi, widely expected to be a future prime minister, in which he said he believed the growth of Hindu extremists presented a greater threat to India than Al-Qaeda.

Wikileaks Leak About India, Israel And Afghanistan

Wikileaks Leak About India, Israel And Afghanistan

US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks show the mistrust US officials harbor toward Indian leaders. The former Indian army chief Gen. Kapoor is described by one cable as ‘incomptenet combat leader’ with ‘unrealistic war doctrines’. The current Indian army chief is dubbed as ‘egotist’ and ’self-obsessed’. Privately, US diplomats admit Karzai has allowed India and Iran to expand intelligence presence inside his country. Israeli spy chiefs are accused of raising assassination teams and drawing up war plans against Iran.

Remembering 1984: A Killer Of Sikhs Is Today A Minister In India

These days Sikhs worldwide mark the 26th anniversary of the day when Indian politicians organized genocide against Sikhs across India. Indians pulled down Sikhs from buses and hauled them from homes, offices and streets. Some of them were beaten to death, others were burned alive. Few escaped. Amnesty International has marked the occasion this year in its India 2010 report. But the mainstream American-British media continues to enforce a blackout on Indian crimes because Washington and London need India as a proxy in Asia.

McGandhi? India Now Closer To McDonald’s Than To Mahatma Gandhi

Today, Gandhi’s nation is teeming with Hindu extremist groups and the state is armed to the teeth with latest weapons, while most Indians remain poor. Gandhi admirers forget that he was assassinated by the Indians themselves.

Saffron Media: India’s TV Channels Helped Hindu Extremists Physically Attack Arundhati Roy

A prominent Indian journalist and rights advocate accuses Indian media of calling Roy a ‘traitor’ and sending outdoor broadcasting vans to Roy’s residence ahead of the Hindu mob, thereby becoming an accessory to a criminal attack.

India Is Behind Fake Taliban & The So-Called BLA

India Is Behind Fake Taliban & The So-Called BLA

The suicide bombers and throat-slitters are not Arab Mujahedeen or Afghan Taliban. This expertise has been introduced by the Indians and the Israelis in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Arundhati Roy Destroys India’s Kashmir Position

Arundhati Roy enjoys more credibility than India’s government or military. Her analysis on India’s occupation of Kashmir has exposed what the Indian military, politicians and media have been hiding for decades: the collective Indian crimes against Kashmiris.

Pulling Fingernails Won’t Turn Kashmiris Into Indians, Pleads Arundhati Roy

India’s most famous novelist meets with the husband and brother of two Kashmiri women raped and killed by Indian Army soldiers. All major Indian newspapers warn Roy of imminent arrest on sedition charges.

Fighting Pashtuns Not Pakistan’s War

Fighting Pashtuns Not Pakistan’s War

Pakistani Pashtuns cannot be stopped from sympathizing with Afghan Pashtuns. Pakistan must tell United States to solve the Afghan Pashtun problem inside Afghanistan. Islamabad should also dispute US claims about the quality of Al Qaeda presence and strength on the Pak-Afghan border. Pakistan’s tribal belt is not responsible for American rout in Afghanistan.

Kashmir: A Time For Freedom

India’s relation to Kashmir is not about Kashmir. Kashmir’s aversion to being subsumed by India is not reducible to history. India’s military governance penetrates every facet of life. The sounds of war haunt mohallas. The hyper-presence of militarization forms a graphic shroud over Kashmir: Detention and interrogation centres, army cantonments, abandoned buildings, bullet holes, bunkers and watchtowers, detour signs, deserted public squares, armed personnel, counter-insurgents, and vehicular and electronic espionage.

Enduring Lessons From Pakistan’s 1965 India War

India is an enemy. United States is an untrustworthy friend. And we better not ditch Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and those who came to our help then.

To Pakistan’s Martyrs

All Pakistanis must be told this a hundred times: There is no sectarian clash in Pakistan but there are attempts being made to create one. The martyrs in Quetta, Karachi and Lahore over the past 3 days are OUR martyrs. It is important to avenge the blood of our brothers who died there by understanding the game and keep Pakistanis united.