Americans Lie To Pakistan About Everything

One day they tell us training camps of so-called ‘Baloch’ separatists are closed. Next day Brahamdagh Bugti springs up in Kandahar or Helmand.
One day they tell us training camps of so-called ‘Baloch’ separatists are closed. Next day Brahamdagh Bugti springs up in Kandahar or Helmand.
The troubling question is that, after having gone this far in abdicating out sovereignty, can we hope to regain our pride and self-respect at some point in the future?
Journalist Bob Woodward is well regarded in Washington DC. But in his latest book, he fabricates a statement and attributes it to Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, the incumbent chief of Pakistan’s formidable spy agency, the ISI. He claims the spy chief admitted ‘before CIA’ that ISI officers carried out the Nov. 2008 Mumbai attacks without authorization.
Sources in security establishment claimed that Aafia Siddiqui might have been arrested independently by the Americans from Karachi and then she was transferred to some secret location because some FBI officials contacted the family of Amjad Khan without informing the ISI. Then ISI boss Lt Gen (retd) Ehsanul Haq complained to the CIA in 2003 and protested why one FBI official was contacting the Pakistani nationals without the knowledge of Pakistani authorities but the CIA claimed that they were also not aware about the FBI operations in Pakistan.
Can you please tell me why a Pakistani citizen, who allegedly carried out a crime in Afghanistan, was charged, tried and sentenced in a US court?
Ahmed Quraishi on Russia Today television explains how CIA has been using third-country intelligence services to violate Pakistani sovereignty and conduct operations inside Pakistan. So the story about a 3,000-strong secret army made up of Afghans and run by CIA conducting operations inside Pakistan is alarming but comes as no surprise.
Why half a million Mehsuds were turned into refugees in their own country? Why the Wazirs were stopped from selling their fruits in the markets of their own country? Do we need to keep on killing and destroying our own people in the pursuit of this unending and unwinnable war?
ایک طرف مسلم لیگ (ن) کی تیاری ہے جنہوں نے اس حکومت کو اب تک فرینڈلی اپوزیشن مہیا کی اور عوام کو سسکتا دیکھ کر خاموشی سے اپنی باری کا انتظار کرتے رہے لیکن اب اپنی کرسی پر آمر کا سایہ دیکھتے ہی بلبلا اٹھے ہیں، ایک طرف عوامی نشینل پارٹی کی تیاری ہے جہاں انکی سونے کے انڈے دینے والی مرغی موت کے قریب ہے، ایک طرف متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کی تیاری ہے جو عالمی سیاست کے ناپاک کھیل میں پلید ترین موھڑے کی حثیت سے اس ملک میں فساد برپا کر کے اسکے ٹکڑے کرنے کو تیار ہے،
Pakistan is important. For years, the “CIA” and other intelligence organizations have been in Balochistan sneaking in and out of Iran blowing things up. How much of that is CIA and how much is Mossad, nobody knows for sure. This is another terrorist organization, called the “Jundallah.” Like the PKK in Turkey and the Tehrik-i-Taliban, the terrorist group making life in Pakistan a living hell, the Jundallah get all the money, weapons, training, transportation and maybe more, much more, they need to fight covert wars against the targets of Tel Aviv.
All Pakistanis must be told this a hundred times: There is no sectarian clash in Pakistan but there are attempts being made to create one. The martyrs in Quetta, Karachi and Lahore over the past 3 days are OUR martyrs. It is important to avenge the blood of our brothers who died there by understanding the game and keep Pakistanis united.
Iran has seen attacks on Shia mosques by elements claiming to be Sunnis. But there are no Sunni sectarian groups in Iran. The terrorists who have been attacking Iranian targets are based in US-controlled Afghanistan claiming to represent Sunnis. The attacks in Quetta today and in Karachi and Lahore on Wednesday share the same origin as the attacks in Iran: they are masterminded by terrorists who hide on the border with Afghanistan and have links to foreign intelligence agencies based there.
Topping the Top Ten? “ISI for sure,’ says Gren, “No double agents, no agent ever caught on camera, the lowest budget but still affective. In war with 6 big intelligence agencies of the world. ISI has even countered MOSSAD in the 1980s and late ‘90s when there was a plan of a possible strike on Pakistan’s nukes.”
How can we have information and intelligence-sharing with a country that has systematically done and continues to do a hatchet job on our premier intelligence agency and Pakistan military? It is time for Pakistan to sever its links and cooperation with the US.
Already, since 9/11 Pakistan has suffered losses of over $ 43 billion. Even more critical, it has lost 3000 civilians, and 2,550 security personnel as well as over 7000 citizens injured. And no one has tallied up the costs to the environment and the social structures of the country.
امریکہ اور برطانیہ نے اپنی مرضی کے پاکستانی رہنماﺅں کا انتخاب کیوں کیا، اور وہ ایسے کون سے کام ہیں جو محترمہ بے نظیربھٹوزرداری شہید، اور جناب سابق صدر سے نہیں نکلوائے جاسکتے تھے۔ غور کیجیے، اور سر دھنیے، اس کے سوا پاکستانی کر بھی کیا سکتے ہیں۔ لگتا ہے کہ 6 ستمبر 2008 بھی سنہ 1965 کی طرح ہی ایک یوم دفاع کا تقاضہ کررہا ہے۔ مگر اس مرتبہ دفاع پاکستان کی اخلاقی اور نظریاتی سرحدوں کا ہے، جن کے بغیر پاکستان کوئی ٹھوس حیثیت نہیں رکھتا۔
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