
Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘China’

A ‘Nobel’ Mob Ambush, Chicago Style

A ‘Nobel’ Mob Ambush, Chicago Style

The Nobel for Peace 2010 should be seen for what it is: a cheap, below-the-belt political hit disguised as a peace award. Guess who was going nuts watching China and Europe getting closer just before this spoiler was thrown?

Chinese Army Doctors Treat Pakistan Helicopter Crash Survivors

China’s aid to Pakistan after the historic floods of 2010 is a landmark event in politics and strategy. For the first time, military helicopters of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) were sighted across Pakistani skies, shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistani military in helping flood victims. It’s also the first time PLA participated in a humanitarian mission outside China.

Enduring Lessons From Pakistan’s 1965 India War

India is an enemy. United States is an untrustworthy friend. And we better not ditch Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and those who came to our help then.

Pakistani Soldiers Inside India In 1965

Pakistanis surprised skeptics. The war saw the largest tank battle since WWII and one of the best air-combat performances in the 20th century, with Pakistani fighter jets shaking the Soviet-built Indian air fleet. While Pakistani soldiers crossed deep inside Indian territory, they also suffered more losses as a result. China moved units from its formidable People’s Liberation Army to the border with Pakistan, in a sign that sent shivers across New Delhi.

Indian Commonwealth Games: Corruption, Missed Deadlines & Security Risks

Meant to showcase India as a world class sporting venue, the Commonwealth Games could end up being an unforgettable embarrassment for the country given the shoddy build-up which has turned host city Delhi into a giant construction site. Tons and tons of rubble are piled on pavements as civic agencies race against time to finish the so-called beautification drive, while the Games’ venues present an equally grim picture of unkept promises that were made when the hosting rights were won amid much fanfare in 2003.

India’s New Army Chief Has China In Sight

India’s New Army Chief Has China In Sight
·         A variety of sex scandals, financial scams and land frauds in Indian army welcome General Singh
·         Land scams like Sukna issue await Singh n Issue of Uniformed female sex workers in India army’s Kashmir establishment set to test Singh’s nerves
·         Inability of Indian Army’s Armour [...]

America, Stooges Vs. The Pakistanis

America, Stooges Vs. The Pakistanis

Only the army has the power to withstand U.S. diktat. Our politicians can’t. For this reason alone, all patriotic forces should get together to prevent Benazir from ever becoming prime minister again, else you can kiss goodbye to your nuclear assets and to Dr. A. Q. Khan and get used to American forces running all over Pakistan.