Pakistani Politician Who Resisted US Embassy In Islamabad

Imran Khan, the only Pakistani politician who refused to toe the line set by the US Embassy in Islamabad.
Imran Khan, the only Pakistani politician who refused to toe the line set by the US Embassy in Islamabad.
Mr. Brzezinksi suspects that an unnamed intelligence agency is ’seeding’ information through WikiLeaks to target specific countries.
The suicide bombers and throat-slitters are not Arab Mujahedeen or Afghan Taliban. This expertise has been introduced by the Indians and the Israelis in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Only a few hours after Islamabad closed NATO supplies into Afghanistan, political commentator and senior research fellow at Project For Pakistan In 21st Century, Ahmed Quraishi, explains on Russia’s RTTV how this is a partial ban and a partial message. Only one of two major crossings were closed and no one from the Pakistani government or military actually came out to say, ‘Yes, we closed the route because they killed three of our soldiers.’ The Pakistani message is clear but not total, for the time being.
Ahmed Quraishi on Russia Today television explains how CIA has been using third-country intelligence services to violate Pakistani sovereignty and conduct operations inside Pakistan. So the story about a 3,000-strong secret army made up of Afghans and run by CIA conducting operations inside Pakistan is alarming but comes as no surprise.
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