What Exactly Is Inside Reko Diq, Pakistan’s Biggest Gold Mine?

How Pakistan can make billions of dollars annually from this mine, but so far won’t.
How Pakistan can make billions of dollars annually from this mine, but so far won’t.
China’s ambassador to Islamabad calls for a new security regime in Asia and pledges ‘unselfish and unconditional’ support to Pakistan on the eve of Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to Beijing. Equally important is Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s announcement today of a proposal to Pakistan to establish a permanent mechanism for structured dialogue between Pakistan and China. The paper released by Ambassador Liu Jian in Islamabad, and published by Project For Pakistan In 21st Century, dwells at length on China’s policy outlook on Pakistan, the situation on the Korean Peninsula and the South China Sea, and border disputes in Asia.
Ignoring unwarranted US meddling, China and Pakistan are going ahead with a fifth nuclear reactor for civilian uses in Pakistan. Discussions are underway for a breakthrough: a one-gigawatt nuclear reactor. The Sino-Pak civil nuclear cooperation will go a long way in resolving Pakistan’s acute energy shortfall, thereby helping stabilize Pakistan economically and politically.
This is a scandal 500 times bigger than Pakistan Steel. What were the top foreign executives doing in Islamabad? Why foreign companies are being given a generous 75% share? The Supreme Court of Pakistan must intervene before the deal is sealed, although Balochistan chief minister says Pakistan’s interest will be protected.
National Logistics Cell, NLC, a successful public sector company created by dedicated officers from the Pakistani military and the talented Pakistani private sector, nosedived under three Army generals during the reign of former President Musharraf. In violation of clear instructions by former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, the three men invested the entire pension fund of the company, a large amount of its surplus cash and a bank loan of two billion rupees into the stock market. If the probe by the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee is correct, the three men conspired with brokers to enrich themselves. Bad apples in our midst must be removed and punished.
Foreign powers are exploiting Pakistan’s need for flood aid to force policies that would lead to a collapse. They have already succeeded in forcing on us their handpicked economic managers: Dr. Hafeez Sheikh and Dr. Nadeem ul Haq, Tweedledum and Tweedledee of World Bank and IMF. The latest move by the Shaikh-Haq duo – the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of the IMF – has been to move in on destroying higher education in Pakistan in the public sector
The US-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue was supposed to correct the mistakes done by Pakistani leadership in dealing with Washington after 9/11. So how did we end up ‘outsourcing’ Pakistan’s problems to American bureaucrats, auditors and senators? What’s the job of Pakistani government and politicians, then?
Pakistan is surely coming. Slow but steady.
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