Who Funded This Somali Terrorist Wannabe? Hello Fox News?

Al Qaeda is not the only one using kids for terror acts. Others are doing it too.
Al Qaeda is not the only one using kids for terror acts. Others are doing it too.
WikiLeaks cables from US embassy in Islamabad reveal the extent of US meddling in Pakistan. Dr. Mazari should know. Former US envoy blocked her column in a newspaper.
US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks show the mistrust US officials harbor toward Indian leaders. The former Indian army chief Gen. Kapoor is described by one cable as ‘incomptenet combat leader’ with ‘unrealistic war doctrines’. The current Indian army chief is dubbed as ‘egotist’ and ’self-obsessed’. Privately, US diplomats admit Karzai has allowed India and Iran to expand intelligence presence inside his country. Israeli spy chiefs are accused of raising assassination teams and drawing up war plans against Iran.
Imran Khan, the only Pakistani politician who refused to toe the line set by the US Embassy in Islamabad.
وکی لیکس نے ظاہر کر دیا ہے کہ ہماری قیادت کمزور اور عدم تحفظ کا شکار ہے۔ اس سے ریاست کے خلاف بغاوت کرنے والوں کے حوصلے میں اضافہ ہو سکتا ہے۔ اگر جنرل کیانی تختہ الٹتے ہیں تو یہ امریکا کے ساتہ کی گئی خفیہ سمجہوتوں سے فوری اور حتمی چھوٹ چھٹاؤ ہوگا اور ہمیں اس کے نتائج کے لئے تیار رہنا ہوگا۔ اس صورتحال سے نبٹنا، نظام حکومت اور فرد کے جوہر سے متعلق ہے۔ انصاف کی بات ہے کہ یہ بہت مشکل دعوت ہے۔
If Gen. Kayani is going to turn the tables, it will have to be a clean break and we have to be ready for the consequences.
Mr. Brzezinksi suspects that an unnamed intelligence agency is ’seeding’ information through WikiLeaks to target specific countries.
The WikiLeaks US embassy cables reveal just how dangerously involved the Americans are in every aspect of Pakistan’s affairs.
Unfortunately, both politicians and military commanders flouted Pakistani laws and conducted direct diplomacy with western diplomats bypassing the Pakistan Foreign Office and encouraging foreign meddling in internal Pakistani matters.
Wikileaks does not make the material it receives available directly to the public. They are first censored by New York Times and several other prominent newspapers. Only 623 documents out of alleged 250,000 have appeared in public. The public needs to ask: Where are the remaining documents? Why the censorship? And why the selective release, assailing Pakistan, China, Saudi Arabia and others and largely leaving out US allies? If newspapers will release censored cables, Mr. Assange should take up a job at NYT.
A total of 270 Indian sites hacked in retaliation for an earlier Indian attack on 40 Pakistani Government websites. The action calls on Indians to stop the cyber war they have started or risk more damage. Pakistan Cyber Army’s warning: ‘Stop complaining about Pakistani websites security, secure your own ass first.’ And another warning by HEX786: ‘Stop this war you started or we will make your internet hell.’
“CIA officials are not part of United States armed forces, therefore under international law they are civilians directly participating in hostilities. Not holding diplomatic or military status, CIA officials have no immunity and therefore are liable for murder and damages under the laws of Pakistan and the principles of natural justice throughout the world.”
The Pakistani chapter in the Mumbai investigations is a small part of a larger story that should be investigated with equal vigor. Mumbai should not become limited to settling India’s political scores with Kashmiri groups like LeT.
Gen. Petraeus now wants us to take on the Afghan Taliban on his behalf in North Waziristan and, lately, Quetta, regardless of the consequences or the outcome. Or he thinks we should let him have a go at it. Like most daydreamers who try to make happen what does not happen, because it is sheer vanity, Petraeus is a dangerous man.
It is incorrect that global warming is responsible for this environmental disaster-in-the-making. Glacier is part of the Kashmir dispute. Indian occupies the glaciers since 1984. It is building permanent bases on mountain peaks, disturbing a fragile ecosystem. The result? Massive floods in the near future. Pakistan should go to International Court of Justice.
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