Dr. Mazari On US Envoy/Bully Anne W. Patterson

WikiLeaks cables from US embassy in Islamabad reveal the extent of US meddling in Pakistan. Dr. Mazari should know. Former US envoy blocked her column in a newspaper.
WikiLeaks cables from US embassy in Islamabad reveal the extent of US meddling in Pakistan. Dr. Mazari should know. Former US envoy blocked her column in a newspaper.
Tokyo is asking Pakistan to sign NPT while condoning nuclear sale to India. The move will worsen global nuclear proliferation. Unfortunately, like the US, Japan’s record on nuclear safety is not too good.
Arundhati Roy enjoys more credibility than India’s government or military. Her analysis on India’s occupation of Kashmir has exposed what the Indian military, politicians and media have been hiding for decades: the collective Indian crimes against Kashmiris.
Forget the Clinton-Qureshi talks. Remember the Talbott-Shamshad strategic dialogue in 1998? The declared aim was better bilateral relations but in reality the talks were a cover for US ideas on how Pakistan should maintain its nuclear weapons. The Americans have a long history of saying one thing and meaning something else. US wants Pakistan Army to launch North Waziristan war to isolate Pakistan from Afghan Taliban and future US-Taliban contacts could exclude Pakistan.
US should pay arrears for using our facilities for its Afghan war, stop the drones, exclude India from future Afghan arrangements, and firmly include Pakistan in those arrangements.
Pakistan’s Interior and Defense ministers made pathetic statements, one ‘mulling’ taxing NATO trucks and the other one pleading for recognition of Pakistan’s sacrifices. Why should Pakistanis be sacrificed at the altar of US and NATO?
US and NATO’s apology is only for killing Pakistani soldiers and not for illegally entering Pakistan. The apology is unacceptable until US and NATO concede they have no legal right to violate international borders. Pakistan must continue to block supply lines until US and NATO apologize for illegal incursions in addition to murdering Pakistani soldiers.
Finally, Pakistan has a pro-Indian ambassador at the United Nations. He refuses to respond when Indian foreign minister blasts Pakistan at the UN and is so close to the Indian ambassador that other diplomats call them the ‘inseparable twins’. The icing on the cake is that Pakistan’s envoy has supported India’s bid for a permanent UN seat. Tell me this is not a ‘banana republic’ under American tutelage?
It is said Pakistan is ignoring direct US military attacks and border violations because of sovereign commitments to the US made by the Musharraf government and now the Zardari government. But should the Pakistani military comply with those?
Foreign powers are exploiting Pakistan’s need for flood aid to force policies that would lead to a collapse. They have already succeeded in forcing on us their handpicked economic managers: Dr. Hafeez Sheikh and Dr. Nadeem ul Haq, Tweedledum and Tweedledee of World Bank and IMF. The latest move by the Shaikh-Haq duo – the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of the IMF – has been to move in on destroying higher education in Pakistan in the public sector
In his latest write up for BBC, Pentagon adviser Ahmed Rashid proposes putting Pakistan under an international trusteeship. Too bad he forgot that Pakistan is not under US or NATO occupation. Ahmed Rashid leads the pack of pro-US and pro-UK activists in Pakistan, whose work is tailored to please a foreign audience. But he is not alone. There is Dr. Hafeez Shaikh and Dr. Nadeem ul Haq, Pakistan’s key economic managers. The United States does not need to invade and occupy Pakistan and execute a regime-change like it did in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Pakistan, Washington is using apologists in politics, media and intelligentsia who are willing accomplices without Washington having to fire a single bullet.
Seven top notch Pakistani commentators and diplomats offer an insightful skeptical view on the prospects of the soon-to-be-launched Pakistan-US Strategic Dialogue.
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