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Holbrooke’s Pakistani Orphans
There is mourning in Pakistan over Mr. Holbrooke, the man who groomed Washington’s stooges in Islamabad and Kabul. Mr. Zardari beat them all by awarding the deceased Pakistan’s highest civilian honor. In Pakistani history, Mr. Holbrooke is definitely not a hero.
AHMED QURAISHI | Saturday | 18 December 2010
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Senior US diplomat Richard Holbrooke was key to maintaining United States intrusive meddling in Pakistani politics. His role in Pakistan was sharply different to his commendable effort in the Balkans where he helped bring peace to Bosnia. In Pakistan, he was assigned to protect a corrupt pro-US political system in Islamabad while pushing US interests even when they harmed Pakistan.
The biggest part of his brief was to provide the highest level of support to the corrupt and incompetent government of President Asif Ali Zardari and keep his coalition allies ANP and MQM in line.
Holbrooke articulated his real assignment in a rare statement during a Congressional briefing in May 2009 when Mr. Zardari’s government was floundering in Pakistan amid rumors the military might overthrow him for incompetence.
“Our goal,” Holbrooke told US Congress, “must be unambiguously to support and help stabilize a democratic Pakistan headed by its elected president, Asif Ali Zardari.”
“We have the highest strategic interests in supporting this government,” he said.
Mr. Holbrooke was instrumental in helping the pro-US Pakistani government survive the machinations of its political rivals and of the powerful Pakistani military. When Mr. Zardari felt he wanted to tell Washington things he couldn’t discuss openly in his Presidential Palace because others would be around, Ambassador Holbrooke helped him break diplomatic protocol, not to mention the rules of business of the Government of Pakistan, and swing by Dubai to secretly meet the Pakistani president, in a meeting that was kept secret from Pakistan Foreign Office and the media. The only other person allowed in the meeting was Mr. Zardari’s Washington envoy, a known US embed.
Holbrooke sustained the Zardari government by engaging its opponents. He was helped by the equally intrusive Anne W. Patterson, US envoy in Islamabad. She was active in covering Mr. Zardari’s flanks in the time she spent here before finally leaving last month.
Thanks to Holbrooke and Patterson, and a number of other junior US diplomats working for them, Pakistani political parties established direct party-to-foreign-government contacts, with each Pakistani political party conducting its own private foreign policy with Washington. The Pakistani ‘Government’ almost ceased to exist. This was a continuation of the intrusive policies of the Bush administration in Pakistan.
So intrusive was Mr. Holbrooke, and so strong his reputation as a kingmaker in Pakistani politics, that former premier Nawaz Sharif and his brother Shahbaz Sharif drove for four hours to meet Mr. Holbrooke inside the US embassy in May 2009, in what some Pakistani media reports said was a US embassy ‘summon’ for Mr. Sharif.
With this level of deep involvement in local Pakistani politics, no wonder Pakistani politicians were panicked when they heard the US diplomat was on his deathbed.
Telephone calls started flying from Islamabad, and Kabul, to Washington DC. Topping the list of the panicked was President Zardari. He telephoned Mrs. Holbrooke and ordered his Washington representative to visit him in hospital.
And then something really stunning happened. On Thursday, three days after Mr. Holbrooke’s demise, President Zardari decided to award Pakistan’s highest civilian award, the Crescent of Pakistan, to the deceased. The move was objectionable to most Pakistanis. Mr. Holbrooke became the third or fourth US administration official to receive this award in less than three years, without deserving it in any shape or form. Obviously there is something very disturbing about a political stooge squandering Pakistan’s highest awards on his international sponsors.
There are other, less famous orphans that Mr. Holbrooke leaves behind in Pakistan. Academics and journalists who were secretly recruited to work for the US embassy and US government as Washington expanded its illegal presence inside Pakistan. Some of them worked from DC, others from Islamabad and other Pakistani cities. I am tempted to reveal their names but that’s a juicy story for some other time.
Most obituaries talked about Mr. Holbrooke’s efforts to ‘bring peace’ to the region. These were exaggerations. His last words, ‘You’ve got to stop this war in Afghanistan’, contradict with the fact that he was a key player in prolonging the war by helping Washington’s proxies stay in power in Kabul and Islamabad and faithfully execute US policies. Mr. Holbrooke also played a role in pushing the Pakistani government to allow more covert US agents into Pakistan this year. This doesn’t sound like a man working to end the war. It appears that, in this case, Mr. Holbrooke’s sense of loyalty to his country and government, and his sense of self-importance, prevailed over his sense of doing what is right.
He was doing a good job of promoting US interests and sustaining US proxy regimes in Islamabad and Kabul. If that’s a virtue, Mr. Holbrooke did a great job indeed. Skeptics like me are greatly impressed by Ambassador Holbrooke’s service to his nation. Only if our stooges could learn something from that.
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Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium
without royalty provided this notice is preserved.
It is Ahmed Quraishi who sounds like the biggest political orphan here
Does he forget that Zardari and ppp are not stooges of anyone but of the majority will of this country?
Can Mr. Ahmed Quraishi claim that it is he who represents the majority will of his country?
He says that Holbrooke had a commendable role in the Balkans where “where he helped bring peace to Bosnia” but not here because here he supports people that are not liked by Mr. Quraishi
So his article actually boils down to his like/dislike
To manipulate with big powers involved in this region for the benefit of your own country is not stooge-ism. Let him always remember that the ppp is not and has never been a political orphan. It will become an orphan only if the majority votes of the people of Pakistan leave it.
Let him remember that ppp is not a pml-q and Zardari or Gilani are no shaukat aziz or musharraf, who when they do not have power and the ‘aasheerbaad’ of army or big powers are lost in the wilderness of airwaves.
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Aoun Abbas, Ahmed Quraishi. Ahmed Quraishi said: Holbrooke's Pakistani Orphans See story http://www.paknationalists.com/2010/12/18/holbrookes-pakistani-orphans/ http://fb.me/LNS8Cf6v [...]
Hi and Salam Ahmed Quraishi
Hope you are fine.
I wanted to share with you about a important matter,relating to
our Indus valley civilization script.It will be a long post but worth
it.Its implications could be much bigger.
As you know that script of Indus valley civilization has not
been deciphered yet.It was always little puzzling for me why it was
so,until i started researching about this subject some time ago.Some
research I myself have done and some i have collected from some useful
Now apparently there has been few attempts to decipher the
script,but if one digs deeper into this matter,very soon reality
becomes clear that except one,there have never been any honest real
attempts at decipherment at all! Just pieces of fraud!
In my research i found two different groups both with their own
biases involved working on this project,And needless to say that truth
and honest research is least of their concerns.And sadly in Pakistan we
always keep on waiting that some foreigner will come and do our job for
Western group is headed by a certain so called “Indologist”
Michael Witzel,who says that Indus script is not a script at all and is
nonlinguistic or maybe just logo graphic or pictogram.Whole crux of his
argument being brevity of the inscriptions or other similar superficial
objections despite the fact that proto-literate phase of Sumerian and
Egyptian writing in the 32nd to 31st centuries BC,like Narmer
Palette itself is a good example of what is already a writing system
even if the texts are on average shorter than the Indus texts.
But if one penetrates through their agenda to see that does
Witzel offer as the alternative theory?
According to Witzel, the Harappans were a Para-Munda people.It
was they who produced the great cities and the seals of the Indus
civilization, neither Aryans nor Dravidian’s who were both intruders
from Central Asia!How does Witzel know all this? Has he produced any
decipherment of the Indus seals? No, he hasn’t dared to. Has he found
any ancient Munda records of this type? They are no ancient Munda
records of any type. Are his conclusions based upon skeletal remains?
No, it all based on his philology.
Now reality is that As aboriginal people, the Mundas now living
in northeast india have no written records or recorded history. Where
they came from and what they spoke in the Harappan era is quite
speculative. Such problems don’t bother Witzel. His philology can
reconstruct unrecorded languages over a period of five thousand years
and can override what geology or archeology might otherwise indicate.
With his Munda Harappa, Witzel has the Dravidians entering into Sindh
from Iran about the same period as he has the Vedic Aryans coming into
the Panjab from Afghanistan (c. 1500 BCE).
Out of 4 oldest world civilizations (Indus,Egypt.Mesopotamia
and China)only one was Indo European,would not it make perfect sense
that oldest language also belongs to the oldest civilization.How
difficult is that to understand?
But In the Witzel world it was the aborigines that produced the
great civilization of ancient India and both the Aryans and Dravidian
were later uncivilized immigrants from Central Asia who conquered them,
stole their culture,and replaced their languages! He has the Dravidian
supplanting the Harappan people in Sindh just as the Aryans supplanted
them in Panjab. From there he has the Dravidian migrate south, while
the Aryans mainly went east, both remarkably preserving their own
languages and becoming the dominant peoples of their areas, though
originally just small groups of illiterate nomadic migrants! Not
content with one Aryan invasion/migration, Witzel requires a second
Dravidian invasion/migration to go along with it!
It must be quite clear to you by now that how bogus his
theories are.He is just a Misinforming agent.
Whereas reality is that Munda was not even committed to writing
until the 19th century some 5000 years after Indus civilization!
Other group is Indian-centric.Its most prominent member being
Iravatham mahadevan and few others likes of him who spend all their
energies in proving proto-Dravidian roots of the Harappan language and
South Indian Dravidian languages.After failing in Their miserable
attempts at doing so mahadevan says”I have no illusions that I will
decipher the Indusscript, nor do I have any regret.”Strange isn`t it?
Why does he not have any regret? Because he certainly would have
realized that not script has no direct dravidian link. But he will
never actually say it.
N.S. Rajaram was the other indian “scholar” who in his
“decipherment” of the script even gets the direction of the script
Prof S. R. Rao is the other one who says that he has deciphered
the text but chooses to “keep quite” about it.
Infact subtract few sites in the border region with pakistan
and coastal areas of Gujrat and most of india was living in stone age
till 1000BC.Whereas indus valley peak phase was well before this period
probably between (3100-1900).But they have totally hijacked our history
and yet we do nothing about it!
Then there is Finish scholar Asko parpola who while apparently
refuses witzel,s nonlinguistic arguments has at the same time
presented his own proto-Dravidian assumptions about Indus script.Later
he himself discarded it when asked about his first approach, he himself
says that
“i have given up the earlier reports as they were written in
the first
flush of enthusiasm, premature and incautious.”
But Not too long ago he received award from Tamil nadu
government for his “great work” on Indus valley script!How can be any
degree of objectivity expected from such people.
Now to any casual observer Parpola is apparently opposing
witzel,s arguments but in reality He is also presenting his own silly
and demonstrably false theory of
dravidian/indus connection.But maybe They both simply don,t
want indus text to be deciphered because of CONTENTS it holds as i
think I will show later in this text.
Lets first see the validity of dravidian connection.I have done
some research on this subject. The Harappans,who are being tried to be
shown as the original Dravidian speakers,were a literate people. There
are some four thousand examples of their writing from sites like
Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, Lothal, Kalibangan and others, as well as dozens
in West Asia. Yet, the earliest examples of South Indian (or Dravidian)
writing use a version of the Brahmi script, which originated in North
India. This leaves us in the extraordinary situation where the
migrating Harappans took their language but not the script that they
had themselves invented. And they waited more than a thousand years to
begin their writing, borrowing from a North Indian script for the
purpose.Further, S. India remained Neolithic down to the beginnings of
the historical period, when a rapid shift to the Iron Age and to state
formation took place, due to trade influences with the north and
overseas.All of this is well represented by the earliest Tamil
The one vital question that is not addressed by them is that
how the Dravidian linguistic theory based on prevalent languages could
be applied to a civilization that lived 4500 years ago. It is known
that the earliest language among the Dravidian group of languages is
Tamil that has an corpus of literary works that could be dated at the
most not earlier than first century BC.based on Roman contacts. My
research says that None of the early written records like Tamil
(Brahmi) inscriptions found so far, could be dated earlier than 2nd
century BC. The latter already shows indisputable mixture of Prakrit
language integrated into Tamil. That leaves hardly two or three Tamil
words, like Chola, Pandya, found in the Asokan inscriptions that could
be securely dated to 3rd century BC not to speak of 1000 BC or the
beginning of the Harappan age 3000 BC?
Which of the Dravidian language, Central Dravidian, or North
Dravidian group, is dated securely to have existed in pre-Christian
era? The existence of Dravidian language before say 3rd-4th centuries
BC is purely based on conjectural inference. How a language, the
existence of which is not known by any verifiable means for over three
thousand years except in hypothesis, could be accepted as the language
of Harappans?In this respect, the testimony of the place-names may
beuseful.In the Hindi belt and most of Panjab, there is no evidence of
a Dravidian substratum in the toponyms.There is no reason to assume
aDravidian presence in North.
And this is what Ahmad hasan dani had to say on this topic few
years ago
“This is generally believed by those who are now working,
people like Asko Parpola, Professor Mahadevan, and the Russians
Professors who have worked on this subject. They have all been working
on the assumption that the language of the Indus people was Dravidian,
that the people who build the Indus Civilization are Dravidian. But
unfortunately I, as well as my friend Prof. B.B. Lal in India, have not
been able to agree with this.
Today the Dravidians are living in South India and we always
say if
they were the builders of the Indus Civilization and if they
migrated from here because of some reason or the other, then something
of that civilization they should carry into the south except just the
language. But so far we have not been able to find any trace of the
Indus Civilization in the whole of South India. It is there is Gujarat,
it is there in Malabar, but not in the area where Dravidian is spoken
Not a single evidence has been found.
Recently when Asko Parpola came about three months ago to
Pakistan, he
said no Professor, what about Gujarat? Certainly in Gujarat we
have got
the Indus Civilization, right about to the mouth of the
Narmada, right up to the mouth of the Tanti we have got this
civilization. There is one more place on the Narmada we have got the
Indus civilization, but not south of it. He said that this shows that
people have been there. I
said even then I will not agree.”
Now both dravidian and Munda theories being proven false,it
leaves only one option,that indus script is the original indo-aryan
language.There should be no question of it not being linguist.Very
Recent research has shown that there were maritime contacts between
indus and gulf states as far back as 7000BC,
http://www.harappa.com/rohri/index.html, It,s little down in
the page as one of many links,
Now indus people had such close contacts with even Mesopotemaia
and Egypt for thousands of years who both knew writing,why could they
not have created their own script?And how can anyone truly carry out
trade activities while being totally illiterate and for such a long
time too.
And if indus people were such”slow learners”how could they have
created such a massive civilization over such a long time,bigger than
the combined area and population of mesopotemia and egypt.
On the other hand Aryan invasion theory should also be
revisited,it was always a mythology but never proven.
There is simply no Archaeological,Genetic,linguistics,and
historical evidence found so far necessary for the forced uprooting of
such a vast civilization.And if there was only “peaceful migrations”
from outside,should not have migrants got assimilated in the dominant
prevailing culture rather than totally displacing them,also consider
the fact that historically South Asia has always been more populous
than central asia.So they could not have overwhelm them by numbers
And how could they have given south asia their own language
when central asia itself was living in stone age even around as late as
2000 BC!Are we supposed to think that Such a great urban civilization
like indus could not have produced a language of its own whereas those
wandering stone age nomads did!Infact all this muddle only starts to
make sense when you realize,that even if there was a
could not have been from central Asia into South asia,but on
the one
hand from indus valley towards East Punjab or Ganga and Jamna
region,andfrom the westren side ,Gandhara towards central Asia and
Europe.But certainly more research needs to be done in this direction.
There is simply no genetic evidence ,Oxford geneticist Stephen
Oppenheimer,focusing on the M17 or the so-called ‘Caucasoid’
politically correct for ‘Aryan’ genetic marker,
“South Asia is logically the ultimate origin of M17 and his
ancestors; and sure enough we find highest rates and greatest diversity
of the M17 line in Pakistan, India and eastern Iran, and low rates in
the Caucasus. M17 is not only more diverse in South Asia than in
Central Asia, but diversity characterizes its presence in isolated
tribal groups in the south, thus undermining any theory of M17 as a
marker of a ‘male Aryan invasion’ of India.
One age estimate for the origin of this line in south asia is
as much as 51,000 years. All this suggests that M17 could have found
his way initially from Pakistan, through Kashmir,then via Central Asia
and Russia, before finally coming to Europe.”
It was a German nationalist Max Mullar who invented this
myth.He spoke not only of a definite Aryan language and its
descendants, but also of a corresponding ‘Aryan race’.
The Aryan theory, which began life as a linguistic theory soon
a biological form. Scholars, mostly linguists, began to talk
about not just Aryan languages, but also an Aryan race. The
Indo-European hypothesis and its offshoot of the Aryan invasion (or
migration) theory came to dominate this discourse for over a century.
Mullar later repudiated the racial aspect of the Aryan theory
insisting that it was entirely linguistic. So founder of the theory
himself repudiated it.
All this means that the ‘Aryan problem’ is a non-problem–
little more than an aberration of historiography. It has been kept
alive by a school of historians with careers and reputations at stake.
I think Indus valley script can very much be deciphered.It is
our neglect to the history of our own region Which stops it from being
sorted out.I don,t think even any Pakistani has even attempted to do
Here was this one rare honest Indian scholar Madhusudan mishra
who is M.A.,Ph.D.(Patna University,Patna),also has a Diploma in Applied
Linguistics.He wrote few books on this subject and has a website.Books
were written actually few years ago,I think he Shortly died after
writing these books.I have read him and every time he seems to make
more sense.I will give you some important extracts,rest you can see for
yourself.here is his link for example,
This is what he has to say,Its bit technical,but i can tell you
after years of studying this subject,that he makes perfect sense.
“The graphic form of the Indus texts says that it is none of
the historical languages. It has only syllables as words, and all
syllables end with vowels. It has practically no grammar. It is a
language of the isolating type, the first stage in the development of a
language. But
two or three consonants making constant pairs show that by the
time of the introduction of writing, it had moved towards the
agglutinative stage. Because we do not know any earlier form of the
modern agglutinative Dravidian, we cannot also say that it is some
proto-Dravidian.Sanskrit is the last stage of the language which began
with the language of the Indus inscriptions having monosyllabic
words and no grammar. The grammar began to appear at the agglutinative
stage which is only at the initial stage in the inscriptions.All the
basic signs of the Indus script ,except a few, have been recognized.
All the phonemes of the Sanskrit language, except a few, have been
identified with the Indus signs. The reading based on this
identification proves that Sanskrit is genealogically related with the
Indus language through its isolating, agglutinative and inflexional
stages, because the Indus clauses and phrases peep through the wornout
and decayed Vedic vocables. The language of the Indus inscriptions is
at the isolating stage with its move towards the agglutinative stage,
evidently clear by the emergence of at least two or three affix
elements. The agglutinative stage of Indus has virtually gone
unrecorded. The prime stage of the inflexional Indus may be said to
represent the Indoeuropean, the declining form of which is represented
by the early vedic language. The other cognate languages, though having
the original bases, have added their own suffixes, apart from their own
innovations.The same language was reaching the agglutinative stage,when
suddenly its speakers disintegrated due to some tragic event. The
western branch under the favorable conditions of nature,reached the
inflexional stage in the ‘land of Soma plants. A group among them had
shortly earlier marched towards Central Asia on their way to
Europe.They were the Greeks, Romans, Teutons, Slavs, etc..
The Eastern and Southern branch of the agglutinative
Indus,under the
unfavourable conditions of the hot sun and hilly forests,limped
at the same stage for a very long time.
The Indus Valley is the original home of the Aryans or
Now here are some of his Extracted texts,and once you read them
you start to exactly understand why some people want indus script
proven non linguist,
“From the highest head the heaven rolled forth.”
“From the empty space a ball emerged”.
“In the highest empty-space there was a big-bang.”
In the empty space the time pervaded
The time turns around.
In the dwellings the light turns round.
From the womb (of a woman) gems come out.
The heat may give intelligence; the moon gives pleasure.
The heavenly bodies move.
The put-on-fire (decocted) chemical liquid had produced (= used
produce) gems.
From the water the life may come; know! see!
The knowledge shines; know; see.
Let evil die; let comfort be there.
If the sun in bright, the rain is in plenty.
A child (tana) resembles a plant (vana).
The beauty (or eye) gives joy.
One says: the heat causes storm.
Truly said, the bright sun nourishes the plant.
from the dwelling the foetus comes out.
The embryo rolled forth.
The evil perishes; the good comes out.
In the body of the creature (Na) the wind (va) revolves (Tha)
The wealth causes arrogance
In fear there is love.
The movement is advancement.
Protect the truth.
Now here we have big bang theory described 5000 years before
modern science! It is just amazing.And I can tell you his methodology
is pretty sound.you can consult any linguist.
Some people think that even if this script was ever
deciphered,it would not contain much useful information anyway because
of its brief inscriptions,but how wrong they are!
And these are only few of the texts,who knows how many secrets
lie there in the ruins.
And he also deciphered these texts in a very unassuming kind of
way.so it was not he was trying to create some scientific text or
anything like that,but he merely interpreted
them as he saw the text.And despite the fact that the results
he got
might have gone against some of his beliefs as a hindu.
And here are some very mysterious text which might give us some
clue about downfall,
“A fiery catastrophe WILL take place; do run away!”
“The time was passing slowly. Suddenly, there was a terrible
God forbid the evil. There was a fiery accident and a blow of
“In the foggy sky there was light, because the stars were
shining. As a
sound was produced, the lightning cloud flying around moved
Know it well. For a long time, the report goes on, the sun was
from the interior all men should ran away.”
Here is what he said further,
” The Vedic mythology is the Indus real history.Sarasvati was
just a river; she was made the goddess
of learning. The officials of the Indus society were human
beings; they
were treated as gods in the Vedic Society.The word Dravida
means’the country of the hot sun’and Arya means ‘noble’. But both these
words were conceived racially and put in opposition to each other.
Later, they also began to refer to the south Indian and north Indian
languages respectively.
When the Indus inscriptions began to speak,all these
speculations are gradually vanishing. But, surprisingly, there is a
great indignation and uproar against this emerging truth among the
people who gave us false history and the non-existent IE language.”
If you want to read more about this subject you can also read
in this book,it,s quite old but still as valid,
Ancient India means Indus valley here,you can download it in
Html or PDF Ancient India =Indus valley
I think Indus region being the home of real Aryans of the
History makes perfect sense because like Europe in the colonial period
it had a demographic surplus and a technological edge over its
neighbors.Emigrations which were probably small by Indus standards but
sizable for the less populated countries to Indus’s northwest. Since
these emigrants, increasingly mingled with the populations they
encountered along the way, retained their technological edge vis-a-vis
every next population to its west (esp. in the use of horse and
chariot), the expansion in western direction continued until the
Atlantic Ocean stopped it. Processes of elite dominance led to the
linguistic assimilation of ever more westerly populations.After
crossing the mountains of Afghanistan, emigrants could move from one
riverine plain into the next: Oxus and Jaxartes, Wolga, Dniepr,
Dniestr, Don, Danube, and into the European plain stretching from
Poland to Holland.
Urheimat claim for the origin of indoeuropean languages is
solely based on the diversity of the languages found there.But it has
not got much evidence going in its favor.Semitic is also suspected to
spring from a common ancestor with IE.
All these facts clearly point to Indus valley civilization
Being the starting point of civilization and language in the Indo
European region.Now if this fact is conclusively proven,In the context
of the recent situation It can make all those western nations look like
utter fools!
Because they fought 2 world wars just to decide who were the
real Aryans,But it was none of them but Pakistanis who they all now
allege to be a terrorist state.It will be a handy and timely dose of
humility for them but well deserved.
If we start to Research from these lines We can certainly be
able to get a fairly good idea of ancient history of this whole region.
On another note This can radically change how people even
outside Pakistan view it.and our perception can change from one of
“terrorism” to some one who brought civilization to the world.This can
not only create our soft image but might help us in getting research
teams and tourist from outside.
But i can tell you one thing if we kept on waiting that someone
else from outside will write correct version of history for us It will
NEVER happen.To the best of my knowledge there is not a single
professor or lecturer of Sanskrit in Pakistan.And this needs to
change.Greatest ever master of Sanskrit language Panini was actually
born in Pakistani region.
We were the real indus civilization inheritors and our history
has been distorted beyond measure.
I have tried to contact even some Pakistani historian and
archaeologists.But they just dont seem interested!I think they are
absolutely alien to the idea of original research.
What kind of culture we live in now.
Just to give you an idea how important these findings can be,if
only one inscription about BIG BANG can be proven to be right,which i
am sure it is….. whole Ideology(including “theory” of Evolution)
behind the existence of western civilisation can be brought to its
knees,Why? Because obviously Harrapans having no access to all these
latest fancy scientific gadgets were still able to tell about beginning
of Universe and life thousands of years before modern science.They
could have done so only through their spiritual yogic powers(And there
have been many statues unearthed from ruins which show people in yogic
positions) .They achieved such a state of perfection and knowledge by
their spirituality alone,which west has only been able to reach now
despite all their modernism and materialism,but only after paying the
cost of their soul.
For a start we need to at least decipher the text .And I think
a media person like you is in a important position to spread this
knowledge and grow awareness among people about such a important
matter.For example you can highlight this matter in your websites or
any of your upcoming Newspaper column or TV shows,that we need to own
our history but for starters we at least need to decipher Indus text,it
is very much possible,using the same methodology as Madhusudan Mishra
did.And that will prove to be a massive day and turn around in the
history of this country.TRUST ME
Certain persons are born to lick boots professionally and instinctively. There is no shortage of such sick people in Pakistan. By the end of last centuary, if there was Muslim genocide, one has to look at the UN track record, whence the General Secretary Kofi Annan officially admitted that in July 1995 alone, thousands and thousands Bosnian Muslims were systematically gunned down in and around Srebrenica, Potocari, Creska Valley, Kravica and other 235 small towns and villages. That was officially admitted Genocide by the UN (as UN failed in their declared assurance) to protect the “Safe Haven” of Srebrenica.
“We cannot tolerate another Iran in Europe” that was the declaration by George Bush who appointed one ‘Richard Holbrooke’ to create conditions whereby 83% Muslim majority would not dream of a Muslim state.
This ‘Richard Holbrooke’ was active to make the wish of George Bush some true and also seen in many videos on many killing fields, with the Christian Serb Army (Gang) leaders: Ratko Maladic and Radovan Karadzic, who objected to be arrested in (2008) and plead in Hague’s Criminal Court for Yugoslavia that whatever he did, it was on the specific assurances of Richard Holbrook, that nothing will happen to him and he should get on with the plan (Genocide of Muslims).
I simply wish that our proverbial village idiot leaders should stop learning to count the money, come out of their well and try to keep informed as to how the zionist Satans are working for the destruction of Pakistan. May Allah help Pakistanis and rid them of Boot-lickers!