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Imran Khan: The Only Politician In Pakistan Who Is A Pakistani, who is not pro-American, who is not remote-controlled by US Embassy in Islamabad, who didn’t toe the line of American bully and war criminal Anne W. Patterson, who didn’t suck up to the US boot polishers in the Presidency, Prime Minister House and their other Pakistani agents across Islamabad. WELL DONE IMRAN KHAN! Long Live Pakistan!
Imran Khan was in California last week on a fund raising junket. It seems Imran Khan will go to the US Embassy after all– to get his passport stamped!
There is nothing impressive about Imran. His party has only one seat in NA. He is capitalizing on his fame as a cricketer to be in the spotlight. For him, criticizing the Americans is easy because he’s not part of the current power structure. I’m sure he’ll sing another tune if he ever becomes Prime Minister.
Well done Imran….now that wasnt hard was it