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Challenges strikes precision overblown | Pleads innocence kin killed in US raids | Vows paying damages to US proves relatives’ terror links
“CIA officials are not part of United States armed forces, therefore under international law they are civilians directly participating in hostilities. Not holding diplomatic or military status, CIA officials have no immunity and therefore are liable for murder and damages under the laws of Pakistan and the principles of natural justice throughout the world.”
UMBREEN TURK | Friday | 3 December 2010 | DailyMailNews.com
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—If US defined the militant profiling than every person from tribal areas who grows beard, offers the prayers and talks about religious norms is militant .Following are the excerpts of Kareem Khan during his exclusive interview with The Daily Mail on Tuesday. Kareem Khan is a Pakistani citizen from North Waziristan who lost his dear ones in American Drone attacks one year back and sued the CIA over drone raids.
Kareem Khan challenged the precision of drone attacks and specifically questioned the precision of 31st December 2009 attack where in three innocent lives were taken by CIA in a secretive mode. He further challenged that if CIA can establish involvement of any of victims of 31st December attack in terrorism he will pay damages to United States instead.
While talking about the catastrophe he told The Daily Mail how his18 years old son Zaenullah, his young brother Asif Iqbal and a mason who was working on construction of village masque and had came from another village of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa were killed.
Kareem Khan told The Daily Mail that “his family is one of few educated families from the North Waziristan .He himself is M .Phil while his son was employee of Government school in town and his brother was graduate of National University of Modern languages from Islamabad .After compilation of his studies he went back to his town to add his positive contribution in educational uplifting of tribal area. They were innocent Pakistani citizen of Islamic Republic Of Pakistan whose fundamental rights have been guaranteed under the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
In the response of one question about the families of victims he told Asif Iqbal left two years old son Muhammad Kafeel and a widow. Mohammad Kafeel has no one to look after as his mother is suffering great emotional and mental trauma. . “I lost my son and brother and now family’s full responsibility is now on me now we are living in uncle’s house waiting for justice or compensation,” he told The Daily Mail.
Kareem Khan told the Daily Mail after this tragedy “I went here and there for Justice but all in vain because of undefined and so called system in tribal areas than one of my good friend suggested me to ask for Justice through legal way”. On November 29 2010 I through my lawyer Mirza Shahzad Akbar issued a legal notice to United States Secretary Defence Mr. Robert Gates, Director CIA Leon Panetta CIA Islamabad Station Chief Jonathan Banks for damages of $ 500 millioon, he added.
He also told that Drone attacks in tribal areas are carried out by CIA in langly, Virginia USA with co-ordination of local intelligence gathered by spies on ground in tribal area. CIA, s Islamabad station Chief, Jonathan Banks coordinates such intelligence through the network of on ground spies, who are paid a hefty amount for pointing out any militant. On these uncorroborated reports, CIA is executing people of tribal areas.
He stated that “CIA Director Leon Panetta has been reported in media saying that ‘Drone attacks are precise and limited in terms of collateral damage’.
“CIA officials are not part of United States armed forces, therefore under international law they are civilians directly participating in hostilities. Not holding diplomatic or military status, CIA officials have no immunity and therefore are liable for murder and damages under the laws of Pakistan and the principles of natural justice throughout the world,” Kareem Khan explained.
Kareem Khan also grumbled that media is not playing vibrant role and journalists even don’t bother to find ground realities. Every time we watched in media that numbers of militants are killed in the result of drone attacks. All the time they go for figures they don’t even bother to differentiate the innocent people and militants. Unfortunately they just rely on people who are present there and love to create hype for their own purpose.Kareem Khan gave the example of Hakeem Ullah Mehsood, Jalal Din ,Aimen Alzwari and Sheikh Usamma and told that according to so called reliable sources media published news regarding their, several times deaths . Which is very funny situation because in my limited knowledge a person died once in his or her life.
Shahzad Mirza Akbar ,the legal representative of Kareem khan who was present during the interview told The Daily Mail Drone attacks on house of his client is in clear violation of United Nations declaration of Human Rights ,International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights(ICCRP) and the citizens of Pakistan through the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan .Those who have committed this atrocity are liable to be charged under the Penal Code of Pakistan and no law custom or authority gives CIA the permission to carry out killing in the sovereign territory of another country .So this is illegal act of United States and CIA and cannot be recognized as legal at any judicial or legal forum .The UN special report on extra –judicial ,summery and executions declared in 2004.
“Empowering Government to identify and kill “known terrorists” places no verifiable obligation upon them to demonstrate in any way that those against whome lethal force is used are indeed terrorists, or to demonstrate that every other alternative had been exhausted”.
He told Court issued the notice on November 29, 2010 and count down has been started from today .He also talked about next step is to go in American court for justice. He also gave the example of Yamani citizen who did this practice in American courts in the result of Drone Attacks .He said there are some legal hitches but if we gathered 60 to 70 people we can claim “Alien Tort”
“The Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA) of 1789 grants jurisdiction to US Federal Courts over any civil action by an alien for a tort only, committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States.” He explained.
While talking about the Postpartum of the bodies he said that this formality is for the criminal case while we are approaching through Civil Court .He also told that his case is very strong and they already gathered enough proves.
In the response of one question regarding the reaction of Drone attacks in form of suicide attacks Kareem Khan said he don’t believe on this He also gave the example of b last in Rawalpindi Masque and Peshawar Market He said a jacket carried by a person can’t generate devastation on such huge altitude.
He has further appealed to all those innocent victims/heirs of drone attack to come and join hands to get justice for their lost loved ones. Kareem Khan has also requested the Federal Government through Ministry of Interior to put Mr. Jonathan Bank’s name on Exit Control List till settlement of his legal claim.
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It is true that Kareem khan lost his beloved son and an educated brother in that attack. But it is also true that he is the main supporter of Al-Qaeda and TTP militants in NWA. He should come forawrd with the fact and disclose the names of those militants also who were killed in that drone attack. The notorouis militant commander,right hand of Baitullah Mehsood and the suspect master mind of Benazir Bhattu murder plot Molovi Azizullah alias kharagai Mehsood has also been killed in that attack with a group of foreign and local militants.
Great. Any evidence to support this? I personally do not believe CIA ‘findings’ and ‘assessments’ of who died in what attack. They lie often, and many of their dead targets have come to life during the past 8 years. I find it an exaggeration that somehow this poor Pakistani is the ‘main’ supporter of al-Qaeda and the man keeping that outfit alive. Some evidence would help us all here.
[...] Karim Khan came from one of the few educated families in his district in North Waziristan. In December 2009, CIA drones killed his nephew and brother. Both studied in schools in Islamabad and imparted modern education in this underdeveloped part of the country. In a press conference earlier this month, Khan provided a chilling insight into CIA’s innocent Pakistani victims in the tribal belt. [SeeKarim Khan vs. CIA] [...]
[...] Karim Khan came from one of the few educated families in his district in North Waziristan. In December 2009, CIA drones killed his nephew and brother. Both studied in schools in Islamabad and imparted modern education in this underdeveloped part of the country. In a press conference earlier this month, Khan provided a chilling insight into CIA’s innocent Pakistani victims in the tribal belt. [See Karim Khan vs. CIA] [...]
[...] Karim Khan came from one of the few educated families in his district in North Waziristan. In December 2009, CIA drones killed his nephew and brother. Both studied in schools in Islamabad and imparted modern education in this underdeveloped part of the country. In a press conference earlier this month, Khan provided a chilling insight into CIA’s innocent Pakistani victims in the tribal belt. [See Karim Khan vs. CIA] [...]
I think that we should stand against the CIA and US forces in the region. they are not showing respect for our ground and space boundaries. we are partners with US in the war against terror and paying a lot in terms of lives and properties as a front line state in this so called war on terror. first of all we must withdraw from this alliance. President of Pakistan and commander in chief of Pakistani forces must announce that drone strikes will be consider an open war against Pakistan and then we have the rights to use options for our defense. we are an Islamic democratic state and we have a religious obligation to protect this soil. Drone strikes are violation of human rights, international humanitarians laws and against the state sovereignty. up till now only up to 20 Al-Qaida men are killed and all others are civilians. there is a big collateral damage and violation of the rule of proportionality. CIA members are war criminals……..
In a meeting Prime Minister Gilani on August 21, 2008 told US ambassador Anne W. Patterson that he don’t care if they (drones) do it as long as they get the right people. The meeting was also attended by Interior Minister Rehman Malik.
The US ambassador to Pakistan met with (now president) Asif Zardari, Prime Minister Yousuf Gilani and General Ashfaq Kayani. They discuss immunity for former president Pervez Musharraf; the upcoming election and US drone attacks on the tribal areas. Although publicly the officials oppose the attacks, the meetings show they back them in private.
In a message sent on Saturday, 23 August 2008 on the subject ‘IMMUNITY FOR MUSHARRAF LIKELY AFTER ZARDARI’S ELECTION AS PRESIDENT’ the diplomat wrote; ‘Malik suggested we hold off alleged Predator attacks until after the Bajaur operation. The PM brushed aside Rehman’s remarks and said “I don’t care if they do it as long as they get the right people. We’ll protest in the National Assembly and then ignore it.”
The News
Our Media now must focused on Illeagal Drone Attacks by America & resulted killings of our Brothers on ground…
Our Government must has to answer this …
Our Army need to clarify that why such Drones being facilite by them or if they r operating illeagally so why Army is not killing these Drones if they do have such capability of Shootind down a Drone…
If Pakistan government was at all interested in the loss of innocent civillians, a stern warning followed by shooting down a few ‘Drones’ would have stopped these criminal acts. However, any NGO with the help of many willing persons in Pakistan should take this matter to the International Criminal Court and not only obtain a ceasure order, should also make liquidated claim for $7.6 million damages for EACH innocent life lost through these criminal acts, as well as compensation claim for the injuries to the civillians and their property.
Surely these crimes are carried on to provide live practice to the zionists at the unpaid cost of ordinary Pakistanis and it should forthwith stop.
Such petitions must be filed in Pakistani courts in large numbers. Legal community should offer their services to the relatives of innocent victims. If relatives of an American victim of Mumbai attack can knock at the doors of US court then we also have a strong case!!!!
Now if the rulers were sincere they would have sponsored such actions, aired it on media and created a jihad against US interference in pakistan. But as is typical in all muslim lands, the muslim individuals have to fend for themselves against the might of kufr state machinary. So much for “islamic” republic….what a joke. Only the real United Islamic Khilafah State would persue every single right of its citizens, from each waliyah from palestine to pakistan. Until then we should make a fund to sue the cia and sue any “leader” that covertly assisted in that.