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United States is equally responsible, not just Pakistan, former president Musharraf tells a think-tank audience in New York.
SPECIAL REPORT | Wednesday | 10 November 2010
NEW YORK CITY, US—Pakistan’s former president Pervez Musharraf says India is trying to create a hostile state in Afghanistan. He was dismissed criticism on Pakistan’s role in the terror war.
Musharraf said has seen photographs of Kabul-based ‘Pakistani terrorists’, a reference to the followers of Brahamdagh Bugti, the grandson of former politician Akbar Bugti. The senior Bugti launched a well organized armed rebellion in 2005 against Pakistan with help from CIA and Karzai’s intelligence service. Brahamdagh is in Afghanistan under direct protection of Indian intelligence agents.
“If I’m allowed to be very, very frank, India’s role in Afghanistan is to create an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan,” Musharraf said at the Council on Foreign Relations.
“This is very clear to me. There are consulates in Kandahar and Jalalabad (which) are actually involved in creating trouble in Pakistan. They have no other role,” Musharraf said. “Why wouldn’t the consulates be somewhere in the north facing Uzbekistan and Tajikistan?” he asked.
Despite evidence of anti-Pakistan activities on Afghan soil by Indian agents and elements from CIA, Washington under Bush and now Obama gives little credence to Pakistani concerns. Partial blame for this goes to Pakistani political and military officials who have failed to take a stand on this issue. The starkest example of this is Musharraf. He often shied away from effectively drawing Washington’s attention to CIA’s role in Afghanistan.
Under pressure from Pakistani military and intelligence, Mr. Musharraf finally shared the evidence with senior US military and intelligence officials in 2008. After that, CIA began targeting anti-Pakistan terrorists on the Afghan border. Pakistani analysts accused rogue CIA elements in Afghanistan of supporting anti-Pakistan terrorists.
Pakistan is the single largest donor to the Afghan people over the past thirty years, committing billions of dollars over the period in providing healthcare, education, shelter and jobs to three million Afghan refugees in Pakistan.
According to AFP, Musharraf ‘bristled’ at criticism that Taliban and Al-Qaeda leaders have been able to escape US-led forces in Afghanistan by crossing into Pakistan’s border areas.
“Pakistan is trying its best. Why is the responsibility only on Pakistan?” Musharraf said. “Why is the responsibility of their coming into Pakistan not the fault of Afghan forces and US forces and coalition forces?”
“It should be shared at least 50-50 — we are at fault, you are also at fault,” he said.
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Musharraf & Co. Said “………………………….. They are worse than AfghanTalibans.”
Shame on you Musharraff who is horrible victim of American Propaganda. What further you know regarding Afghan Taliban — May I tell you something about them through An American Scholar — Kindly listen with all ear & watch with Care.
Mushrraff & Co. — This your above is some real crazy stuff — Sick Argument.
Faith in the Truth & the Light of our Savior Quran & Sunnah is the only escape from them & ourselves. Will you life to Almighty Allah Jj & increase the Truth & Light.
Note: Right after observing American Supremacy through UN plus her VETO Power thereafter its horrible Impacts ONLY on Muslim Ummah — This is just a WISH being an Orthodox Muslim & typical habit-ant of South Asia Region — Next Champion of Dangerous Double Game of World Politics Must Be —“Pakistan Cum China”—
Hazaroun Khawhishien Aaisee Kay — Sub Pur Dum Niklay-
Niklay Tamam Niklay- Sab Say Hisab Kitab — Kur Kay Niklay-
Our Ruling Elite is entirely corrupt but Not Common Man & in all honesty we Muslims can’t trust the West Based Media either. This shit is DEEP lead to the road of New World Order, but the idea of what they have brainwashed us with should creep you out. Can you honestly say who you trust in our English Speaking Ruling Elite? That’s why my trust does not lie with this so called English Speaking Muslim Ruling Elite.
Well Musharraff too late, I watched & felt it with heavy heart. It’s just a matter of time — Evil is everywhere you have to decide which path you follow but Almighty Allah Jj is all loving no hate in him. At IRAQ Weapon of Mass Destruction, then in Afghanistan Heavily Bombardment on Tora Bora why don’t you rewind in your memory of S hawk & Awe at Baghdad right after announcement of CRUSADE —— We Muslims had the choice — ! – ?
Almighty Allah Jj loves us so much HE gave us the choice to decide which path we follow so please decide love — because if you chose hate I will pray for YOU plus prepare the SELF DEFENSE i.e. my inside Job. Because America loves hateful people. Almighty Allah Jj doesn’t rule in fear but in love for people even if there her enemies Just Try to learn what Quran & Ahadees preached & told us regarding such Mindset People all the answers are available therein.
The Pakistani English Speaking Ruling Elite won’t allow this to present American Highhandedness as their Foreign Currency A/cs are being Maintained plus their beloved ones are studying over-there or like you many drawing handsome salaries but without CARING those totally ignored & innocent Muslims who are to be watched as per our RELIGIOUS DUTY. They’re scared!
Mall-o-Matah Kee Khatir Kiya —– Kur Baithay-
Quran-o-Sunnah Kay ASBAQ Ko —— Bhula Baithay-
Puss Muslims Apna Kiya Hashar-o-Nashar Kurwa-Baithay-
*Maghrib Ka = Only Western Countries’ Stake in South Asia, specially Red White & Blue Countries
*CBM = On the name of Confidence Building Measures – Indian Delay Tactics – We Pakistani — MUST Keep on Foot & Kick Hard far away.
*J. B. K. Z. = Juld Bazee Kee Zarorut Nahee = Just adopt the policy of Slow & Study – Kill & destroy them(America & NATO Allied) quietly (Physically & Financially in Both Forms) but pose as if you are very innocent Closed Ally in so called War Against Terror- And Just Turn the Table Over- And may become the Trend Setter or recognize globally as Champion of Dangerous Double Game — As we do have rich & ample experience of Breaking Into Pieces of USSR so that next turn is the USA,Brits & India simultaneously & in the last the biggest Satan i.e. one & only ISRAEL.&feature=player_embedded
HENCE:— Next Time particularly Israel, America, Brits, India & rest of the West Ask to the Pakistanis — Kindly Define What is the Definition of Double Standard Game in World Politics – Kindly Teach Us?
CHINA Aur PAKISTAN Ko Koee ——— Khass Juldee Nahee-
Stake Saray Ka Sara *Maghrib Ka———— Laihaza Parwa Nahee-
Pani Pila Pila Kur Marnay Mein MAZA Kuch Aur——– *J.B.K.Z. Nahee-
*CBM Hay Kis Chria Ka Nam— Pakistanioun Ko— Qatun Parwa Nahee-
East Pakistan Kee Segregation Bhol Jien Nahee Itnay Bay-Ghairat Nahee-