
Archive for ‘October, 2010’

Pakistan: A Convict Does Not Deserve Nobel

Pakistan says Nobel Prize for peace for the year 2010 went to a convict who did not deserve it. Islamabad lauded China’s contribution to world prosperity and peace and condemned the ‘politicization’ of the award and using to meddle in other nations’ internal affairs.

Husain Haqqani, Washington’s Most Wired Pakistani, Refused Entry To White House

Husain Haqqani fancies himself as “Pakistan’s Mr. America”. But on 5 Oct. he was left stranded at the gate of the White House as other diplomats passed him by to attend President’s Obama’s glittering dinner for diplomatic corp. The incident hurt Mr. Haqqani’s carefully cultivated image as the most wired Pakistani in Washington DC.

A ‘Nobel’ Mob Ambush, Chicago Style

A ‘Nobel’ Mob Ambush, Chicago Style

The Nobel for Peace 2010 should be seen for what it is: a cheap, below-the-belt political hit disguised as a peace award. Guess who was going nuts watching China and Europe getting closer just before this spoiler was thrown?

19 Conditions For Reopening US Afghan Supply Line, A Popular View

19 Conditions For Reopening US Afghan Supply Line, A Popular View

This is an email that has been doing the rounds in the Pakistani blogosphere. It’s a well articulated indicator of the Pakistani public mood on the partial blocking of NATO supply route.

A Whimpering Surrender: Pakistan Restores NATO Supply Route

A Whimpering Surrender: Pakistan Restores NATO Supply Route

Pakistan’s Interior and Defense ministers made pathetic statements, one ‘mulling’ taxing NATO trucks and the other one pleading for recognition of Pakistan’s sacrifices. Why should Pakistanis be sacrificed at the altar of US and NATO?

Quraishi: Only One NATO Supply Line Closed, Partial Message

Quraishi: Only One NATO Supply Line Closed, Partial Message

Only a few hours after Islamabad closed NATO supplies into Afghanistan, political commentator and senior research fellow at Project For Pakistan In 21st Century, Ahmed Quraishi, explains on Russia’s RTTV how this is a partial ban and a partial message. Only one of two major crossings were closed and no one from the Pakistani government or military actually came out to say, ‘Yes, we closed the route because they killed three of our soldiers.’ The Pakistani message is clear but not total, for the time being.

Losing The War’s Beginning

Losing The War’s Beginning

The ninth year of the US war in Afghanistan began with an apology. But this was an apology to Pakistan, not Afghanistan where US and its allies have killed thousands of civilians. Mainstream US news outlets, like New York Times and Washington Post, strangely failed to mark the advent of the 9th year.

An Unacceptable Apology

An Unacceptable Apology

US and NATO’s apology is only for killing Pakistani soldiers and not for illegally entering Pakistan. The apology is unacceptable until US and NATO concede they have no legal right to violate international borders. Pakistan must continue to block supply lines until US and NATO apologize for illegal incursions in addition to murdering Pakistani soldiers.

Pakistan Supports India’s Bid For Permanent UN Seat (Believe It Or Not!)

Finally, Pakistan has a pro-Indian ambassador at the United Nations. He refuses to respond when Indian foreign minister blasts Pakistan at the UN and is so close to the Indian ambassador that other diplomats call them the ‘inseparable twins’. The icing on the cake is that Pakistan’s envoy has supported India’s bid for a permanent UN seat. Tell me this is not a ‘banana republic’ under American tutelage?

NATO Knowingly Killed Pakistani Soldiers, Not A Mistake As US Claims

NATO Knowingly Killed Pakistani Soldiers, Not A Mistake As US Claims

A video footage of the Sept. 30 attack by US helicopters working for NATO in Afghanistan proves beyond doubt that US and NATO officials have been lying and misleading the international opinion. In this incident, the US military in Afghanistan is involved in the deliberate murder of three Pakistani soldiers.

India Games: Forget Shoddy Bedrooms, How About Sex?

Indian officials have come up with a novel idea to deflect foreign athletes’ attention from the filthy conditions at their accommodations in New Delhi. The great idea is high-class sex. ‘Escort’ agents are calling girls from other cities to New Delhi in the hopes of raking in dollars from thousands of foreign delegates to the games. India is hoping to project itself as a new destination for high-class adult entertainment while hoping the athletes would have better things to do than criticize India’s shabby arrangements.

NRO And Musharraf’s Apology

With Mr. Musharraf’s apology to the nation for issuing the black law known as NRO, which primarily legalized the illegal wealth of President Zardari and his late wife, everyone in Pakistani politics should come clean on this law, starting with the members of the ruling PPPP themselves. It is unethical to hide behind the law of immunity.

Chinese Army Doctors Treat Pakistan Helicopter Crash Survivors

China’s aid to Pakistan after the historic floods of 2010 is a landmark event in politics and strategy. For the first time, military helicopters of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) were sighted across Pakistani skies, shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistani military in helping flood victims. It’s also the first time PLA participated in a humanitarian mission outside China.

If Pakistani Govt. Orders Our Surrender, Will The Military Comply?

If Pakistani Govt. Orders Our Surrender, Will The Military Comply?

It is said Pakistan is ignoring direct US military attacks and border violations because of sovereign commitments to the US made by the Musharraf government and now the Zardari government. But should the Pakistani military comply with those?