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PHOTO CAPTION ABOVE: Europe’s most famous building, The Colosseum in Rome, Italy, bathed in red as a salute to China during a visit by Wen Jiabao on 8 Oct. 2010.
Somebody was going nuts watching China and Europe getting closer just before this spoiler was thrown. Guess who?
By AHMED QURAISHI | Wednesday, 10 October 2010.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—This Nobel for Peace has all the ingredients of war.
A minority of a handful of Western countries, enjoying media supremacy, gang up on a rising non-Western power, while the world’s majority nations—Russia, Brazil, Latin America, Turkey, Pakistan, the Middle East, and even India, which fancies itself as counterweight to China, all ignore this politicized award.
Nobody had heard before about Liu Xiaobo, the recipient of this year’s Nobel for Peace, awarded in Norway. In 1989, he was one of tens of others jailed for organizing the so-called ‘pro-democracy’ demonstrations. At the time, China’s burgeoning population needed jobs, healthcare, housing and schooling. Had the demos succeeded, China would have spun out of control, pretty much like Russia did in the 1990s and Pakistan is doing these days. Luckily, Beijing had wise nationalist rulers at the time and China went on over the next two decades to become one of the most impressive rags-to-riches stories. And all without following the Western model of IMF/World Bank recipes and the political science theories taught at Harvard and Oxford.
Mr. Liu never mattered. He was jailed for 20 months in 1989 and then left loose to lead a normal life. He watched Beijing grow into an international city. He once tried to organize a hunger strike to mark an anniversary of the events in 1989 and was stopped by Chinese authorities. Ordinary Chinese people never heard of him. Even the Chinese government never saw him as a threat. He was allowed freedom of movement, even the right to leave China, but not to indulge in activities meant to disturb social stability and peace in a country where people have been busy making money and improving the quality of their lives. Until recently, he was American, British and Australian journalists in Beijing and giving interviews without any restrictions from Chinese authorities because, frankly, nobody cared.
This Nobel prize comes to create a nuisance for China under the guise of ‘universal values’. It’s very political and its aim is barely hidden.
But the best part of this prize is its timing. When Nobel was being awarded to a Chinese dissident, China’s premier Wen Jiabao was concluding a whirlwind tour of Europe that set the alarm bells ringing in Washington.
The Americans watched in shock as their European allies rolled out the red carpet for China. For example, in Italy, Europe’s most famous building, Rome’s Colosseum, was bathed in red as a salute to China. Italian leaders vowed to take bilateral trade to $200 billion by 2015.
In an address to the Greek parliament in Athens, Mr. Wen sounded economies.
“I am convinced that a strong Europe is irreplaceable,” he said to Greek legislators on 2 Oct. “China wants to promote and strengthen strategic links with the European Union.” He said China would “support the stability of the euro” and Beijing would “not reduce the amount of European bonds that are part of the Chinese foreign exchange reserves.”
American officials were further antagonized to see the European Union ‘bowing’ to Chinese requests on media access during EU-China summit on 5 and 6 Oct.
Just as Mr. Wen prepared to end his Europe tour and return home, Sweden’s Nobel Foundation came out with this surprise award for a Chinese citizen whose only claim to fame is opposing his government on idealistic grounds.
No brownie points here for guessing who benefited the most from these developments.
The Russian media was the first to condemn the Nobel award as a ‘political tool.’
The timing of this anti-Chinese move is important. It comes at a time when the mainstream US media is full of anti-China demonization during mid-term election campaigning.
American political Web site Salon.com has noted this week that ‘Ad attacks on China cross the line’ during this campaign season. Another site, SpinSeason.com, has described the anti-China mood in the US as follows:
“With less than a month before Election Day, Americans are being whipped up into a xenophobic froth. On Friday, the Wall Street Journal headlined a story “China-Bashing Gains Bipartisan Support”, noting that “China is emerging as a bogeyman… with candidates across the American political spectrum seizing on anxieties about the country’s growing economic might to pummel each other on trade, outsourcing and the deficit.”
Here being shown these days to ordinary Americans. You can see the other ads listed by Spin Season here.
The Indian lobby in the United States, supported by Indian government and India’s sympathizers in Washington DC, are also using this election season to shift the American public’s anger away from India on the question of outsourcing jobs. The Indian government had become alarmed at how India-bashing was becoming common in major US media. So Indian groups are at the forefront funding the campaign to paint China as the real enemy who’s gobbling up American jobs.
How politicized is Nobel’s anti-China Peace prize can also be gauged from the definition of this prize as put down by Alfred Nobel in his will. More than a century ago, Mr. Nobel wrote that the Peace prize should go “to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity among nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”
Hardly a description befitting Nobel committee’s choice for this year.
China’s population is receiving world-class healthcare, education and opportunities for prosperity and one day China’s educated people will have a working, non-chaotic democracy tailored to suit China’s conditions and designed to grow with Chinese needs, not a democracy that the West could use as a Trojan horse to meddle in its affairs. Nobel Foundation, Mr. Liu or the United States has no right to interfere.
The Nobel for Peace 2010 should be seen for what it is: a cheap, below-the-belt political hit disguised as a peace award.
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[...] anger that I criticized Nobel’s cheap shot against China. A version of my op-ed, titled, A ’Nobel’ Mob Ambush, Chicago Style, was published by the blog section of the Pakistani affiliate of International Herald Tribune. The [...]
[...] anger that I criticized Nobel’s cheap shot against China. A version of my op-ed, titled, A ’Nobel’ Mob Ambush, Chicago Style, was published by the blog section of the Pakistani affiliate of International Herald Tribune. The [...]
The heros who really worked for peace are degraded with a surprise, quite a ludicurous selelction.
very nice comments Mr. Ahmed..n i think that too that pakistan should ADAPT chinese systems to get out of this political, social and economic mess. i m a thesis writer ..my thesis topic is U.S. FACTOR IN SINO-PAK RELATIONS.. plus i m research associate in HEC sponsered projet headed by Dr. Ijaz Shafi Gilani “Globalized Bussiness and Politics: A view from muslim world”. My area of research is China ….u can find my weekly reports on China on this link http://bpm-blogpage.blogspot.com/
In my view, the way Pakistan’s socio-economic and political situation
has been for last many years. We need to adopt chinese blue print of
executing our country’s affairs.
Though, Z Bhutto aimed at one point to focus on that formula which
never worked mainly due to the fact that he could not promote this idea
appropriately and adequately to our beaurcarcy and more importantly
to the army. Neither he had the physical and mental ability to take this
further in a manner required.
Is’nt this ironic that west has always propagated against socialism and
communism which negates capitalism, nevertheless, it’s china which
is a model communist country came up to rescue US & EU in financial