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- Ambassador Haroon has provided Pakistani support in the Asian Group for India’s bid for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council
- When Indian foreign minister blasted Pakistan at the UN, our envoy refused to reply to avoid criticizing India. Other diplomats call him and the Indian ambassador an ‘Inseparable Twin’
- Pakistan has an India-sympathizer as its UN Representative
- ‘Banana-Republic’ Pakistan under US tutelage appoints the likes of Haroon and Haqqani to crucial diplomatic posts
- Even ZAB, PPP’s founder, had better sense when he countered India’s moves inside UN
Wednesday, 6 October 2010.
The Nation.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—In these trying times, when India is hysterically accusing Pakistan of all manner of fanciful evils of terrorism to divert attention from its quagmire in Occupied Kashmir, our diplomacy has suffered an unexpected blow from an unexpected source.
On crucial matters at the UN or any other international forum one expects the most senior diplomat – the Envoy himself – to stand up and state the country’s case. Unfortunately, this is not happening in the UN in New York, especially in cases where a condemnation of India is expected.
For instance, on Wednesday 29 September, in the rights-of-reply during the high level debate in the UNGA, following Krishna’s statement on Kashmir, Pakistani Envoy Hussain Haroon did not exercise his right of reply because it he would have had to say that Indians won’t like. Instead, he let a junior foreign office official do that job while he sat in the routine UNSC debate on Afghanistan, which was not as important at that time.
Haroon and his Indian counterpart Hardeep Singh Puri are so friendly and stay so close to each other that they even travel in the same car to various functions. In the South Asian circles they are known as “inseparable twins.”
Thanks to Pakistan’s support, lined up by the India-sympathizer Pakistani Envoy with the help and support of the President himself (he was kept in culinary delight in prison in Karachi because of the home cooked meals sent to him by Haroon, a gourmet cook himself), the Asian Group at the UN has already endorsed India for the UNSC non-permanent seat in the upcoming elections for this. With Ban Ki-moon’s re-election set to take place in November 2011, for another five-year term beginning January 1, 2012, India will be one of the critical voters in the Security Council which makes the recommendation for the SG to the General Assembly. Already an extremely pro-US SG, from now on Ban Ki-moon will not do anything nor will allow the UN system to do anything that would annoy any of the present and future UNSC members. Ban will continue whipping countries like Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and so on.
In this connection it is important to note that investigation into Indian human rights offences in Occupied Kashmir will also be directly affected by the Pakistan’s move to endorse India for the UNSC seat.
The Human Rights Council is mandated to investigate crises in all countries. Its teams produce reports which it adopts before they go to the UNGA. In New York, the HRC report on Kashmir – if produced – may not muster enough votes because of India’s expanding influence, especially on the commercial side. So the report on Kashmir will only have a temporary effect when it is adopted by the HRC in Geneva, i.e. if India allows its investigation team to go to the Occupied Kashmir in the first place. Israel never allows such teams into Palestine or Israel, and India will adopt the same stance. In 1975, India sought UNSC membership, and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto challenged Mrs. Gandhi’s move by putting Pakistan for the non-permanent seat.
As an expert on multilateral diplomacy, Bhutto knew the UN thoroughly. He played his card brilliantly and with the able support of Agha Shahi and Iqbal Akhund, he overwhelmed India, which at that time was a leader in the 128-member NAM. Now Pakistan is not only denying itself the option of even thinking about defeating India at the UN, but its Envoy is actually supporting India at a time when the latter’s human rights abuses in Occupied Kashmir are at a peak. Is this what our diplomacy has come down to at the UN?
This column was published by The Nation. Reach Dr. Mazari at
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We must write to ministry of foreign affairs for his removal and copy to the PM,AZ ,CJ and coas. Someone draft a letter and put our names as signatory. In the picture both of them looks loke a product of Off License Stores in UK, they are drinking buddies.
We have numerous candidates who could run the show at UN according to our wishes and the our country requirements.
These strange decisions are explained when you realise the current system setup is not there for the benefit of the people, it is there for the benefit of the western kufr nations. It is a predatory setup, a food chain with the west at Top Dog. They persue benefit through finding and supporting people who follow their western kufr values So they partner with them, their little hunting packs.
The western institutions can never change their predator spots, so tinkering with a few new faces cannot scare them off.
So if you play their game hoping to change the rules around, they will slap you, and expel you from the pack, as they can easily find a new member.
An example is palestine, they play with abbass, but ignore the peoples choice, hamas.
So you have to change the complete system of reference and power.
The values you persue have to setup your own terms, our rules. Islamic Systems, Islamic Rules.
Inside job to destroy pakistan,.
I hope some honest sincere military people will take note of this serial treason by these so called politicians, its as if pakistan has 100% surrendered, and now foreigners are running the place ! and yet some military still lie and say its not a security issue, they should break their bangles and let the real men defend islam & pakistan. !
This type of thing has been the norm for years, only it was not so blatant, so you couldnt prove it, and so the ppp & co would cover it up with excuses, but you could tell especially when BB would open their mouths in interview with bbc, you couldnt believe that this was someone in charge of pakistan, whose side were they on ? ( zionist, western, crusaders, and indian cow worshippers thats who)
Only a sincere khaleefah implementing Islamic Systems can rescue pakistan from this pathetic , ridiculous situation. Muslim men of the Military you know what you have to do.
As the Zionists have full and free control of United States of America, Pakistan is a little venture and very easy to manipulate with the compliance of an imposed junta. One could complain about Pakistan’s signing an agreement for the benefits of the zionist occupiors of Afghanistan and their lackies the Indians.
Any such agreement that leaves Pakistani nation in the state of proverbial slavery, should and must be abrogated soon as this so-called Government is thrown to the hungry wolves.
Notorious move … absolutely ridiculous!.
Even if this is perceived deal by Pakistan…. should you expect India to support in return?
Where is the establishment?
Recognize that people do not change their nature, a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots… is this a charade? a political showcase of love and hate? He is romancing with the enemy while at the home front they are pointing their doomsday devices at each other . A classic tale of the scorpion and the frog? He should always bear in mind he is representing a country that he swore to protect and uphold only the interest of its citizen . He should think before he blink , he must have reasons to defend his actions but yes his reasons will just be a “COCKAMAMIE” Bullshit!!
Unreliable source