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In Indian news TV channel's take on the foreign minister level talks between Pakistan and India, held in Islamabad on July 16, 2010, where India came to shake hands and not talk about almost anything.
New Delhi wants to use the meeting to demoralize Kashmiris. A desperate India is cooking up a ruse, again.
Sunday, 26 September 2010.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—A joint photograph of Pakistan’s foreign minister with his Indian counterpart in New York could do wonders on the pro-freedom demonstrators in Indian-occupied Kashmir, Indian officials have concluded.
India is desperate in Kashmir and is hoping that a joint photograph of Indian and Pakistani foreign ministers in New York would prove a damper for the Kashmiri demonstrators, showing them Pakistan is ‘onboard’ with India’s handling of the killings in the disputed region.
This is why the Indian government is using every India-sympathizer in Washington and inside the Obama administration to convince Pakistan to send its foreign minister to shake hands with India’s S. M. Krishna for the cameras.
Would Pakistan do it?
The race is certainly on and it seems there are some key figures in Islamabad who wouldn’t mind obliging the Indians and the Americans.
Early morning today a frantic text message reached Dr. Shireen M. Mazari, the editor of Pakistan’s The Nation daily newspaper. The message was simple:
“[President] Zardari & [Pakistan envoy to Washington Husain] Haqqani are desperately arranging for [Pakistani foreign minister] Shah Mehmood Qureshi to meet Indian foreign minister without agenda & without concrete Indian commitment to talks. Shah Mehmood is reluctant but US is pressurizing to give Indians chance to show Kashmiris that Pakistan is on board.”
Strangely, the message didn’t mention the name of Abdullah Haroon, an India-enthusiast appointed by Mr. Zardari as Pakistan’s envoy to the UN.
Dr. Mazari came on television by midday to break the news on a television channel owned by her newspaper.
If the move succeeds, India will walk away with an important psychological achievement at a crucial time, while Pakistan won’t get much, as usual.
The Indian desperation for this photo-op can be judged from the diplomatic moves India has initiated in the last five days to lure Pakistan into a meeting.
To ensure Pakistan falls for the trap, Indian officials have been generously mentioning ‘Kashmir’ and ‘Pakistan’ in the same sentence, creating the right atmospherics for jubilation in some Pakistani circles [‘Wow, India is conceding its position on Kashmir …’].
But a careful look at these statements shows a desperate India cooking up a ruse
- NIRUPAMA RAO: The India foreign secretary was apparently the first to be tasked with luring Pakistan into a photo-op in New York. She issued in Boston, US, saying India is ready to discuss ‘all outstanding issues’ with Pakistan ‘including Kashmir.’ Unfortunately, much of the Pakistani and world media ignored the remainder of her statement. Buried somewhere else in her media interaction was the line, “It is an internal affair because it (Kashmir) is an integral part of India.” So, is India discussing Kashmir or not? Ms. Rao’s next line explains it all: “The issue of Jammu & Kashmir comes up in our relationship with Pakistan and we’ve said very clearly, very confidently and very transparently that we are prepared to discuss all outstanding issues with Pakistan.” What India’s second most senior diplomat is saying is that ‘Kashmir does come up in our bilateral relationship’ with Pakistan in the form of the so-called cross-border terrorism and Pakistani meddling in Kashmir. The choice of words is careful not to indicate any concession to Pakistan.
- S. M. KRISHNA: Her boss, the foreign minister, has reiterated over the weekend that Pakistan can’t force India to discuss Kashmir in future talks because his country won’t accept ‘preconditions’, which means another round of endless talks where India will keep delaying Kashmir while insisting on discussing nonissues such as trade and cultural exchanges.
- S. M. KRISHNA: In a classic sign of Indian desperation, Mr. Krishna couldn’t wait a day to throw coldwater on the feel-good effect of his number two’s statement when to ‘stay out of Kashmir’ and vacate ‘its side of Kashmir’ before ‘lecturing’ Indian on what to do in Indian-occupied Kashmir.
These statements underline how desperate India is this time on Kashmir. If Pakistan goes full throttle now and demands international intervention to stop Indian state-sponsored Kashmir genocide, New Delhi can’t cry foul. It can’t say Pakistan is feeding the insurgency, not when thousands of Kashmiris have shown they want Indian occupiers out. Nor can India’s usual supporters in Washington and London cover up the clear signs of Indian genocide in Kashmir.
Pakistan and the Kashmiris have India by the tail this time. Whatever Islamabad does, it shouldn’t grant India a photo-opportunity so it could use it to demoralize Kashmiri demonstrators.
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If the pantheon of enemies of muslims ran our countries directly, they could not do a better job than their little idolators.
The system is rigged, so we are stupid enough to go along with it, or even believe in it. No wonder our “leaders” dont represent us, and so no wonder muslims are pushed around. Only establishing sincere Islamic Systems can change this
Although Kashmiris will not lose moral strength on such a silly prank, Government of Pakistan and FM should come back to senses. Talks with New Delhi have never given any benefit to Pakistan and never shall. Having said this, the current government may bend knees again and render itself to the useless foreign pressures as they still do not recognize God as the real Big Boss.
Least is expected from Zardari Government on issues of Honour and Sovereignty of Pakistan for the simple fact that they are subservient to USA and also to its darling ally India. No surprise if they send their FM for a photo session with Indian FM and indirectly stab the Kashmiri brethern in their back. What else we can expect from the corrupt and anti-Pakistan Zardari Government. Historically, Zardari Government has proved itself to be the most GHAMARR (celebrated writer S. H. Manto’s term for the ‘most inept’) government so far. Zardari himself being JAHIL and enemy of education is utterly devoid of any +wisdom. However, he has displayed to be the top-most CROOK by spinning conspiracies against the Media, the Judiciary and the masses (98% being poors, lower middle-class and middle-class) for whose benefit or easement this government has practically done nothing except of course mammoth claims and boastings to do this and to do that, which turn out to be lies as nothing is done. It is expected, as usual with them, that they will fall prey to the Indian-American TRAP and FM Qureshi will cringingly be on Indian FM’s side shaking hand with with with visible stains of Kashmiri Muslims’ blood. “Aazmooda ra aazmoodan JEHEL ast!”
We have no hope whatsoever when it comes to Pakistan especially after what Musharaff did to us, we do however pray that may Allah give you strength in this hour of your national tragedy and despair.
Kashmirirs, very well know today’s Pakistanis political establishment, perhaps far better then the Pakistanies sleeping people. I believe they are looking at Pakistan with a minimal hope, therefore this may have least effect .