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Stunning revelations about Husain Haqqani’s secret moves to scuttle Dr. Aafia’s case.
Friday, 24 September 2010.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—British investigative journalist Yvonne Ridley, who first broke the story on Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s detention by US military in Afghanistan, has uncovered another scandal in her case. This time it’s the role of Pakistan’s ambassador to Washington Mr. Husain Haqqani in obstructing the efforts of the Pakistani government to secure her release from US custody.
It appears that Mr. Haqqani has been active behind the scenes in complicating Dr. Siddiqui’s case. Several American and British journalists say Ambassador Haqqani has been briefing them off-the-record about Dr. Siddiqui’s guilt.
It is not clear if such briefings were part of instructions received by Mr. Haqqani from Pakistan Foreign Office, or if those briefings represented Ambassador Haqqani’s personal views.
More stunningly, Mr. Haqqani has refused to grant an entry visa to US politician and former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Ms. McKinney planned to visit Pakistan earlier this month to lobby Mr. Haqqani’s government in Islamabad on Dr. Aafia’s case. She also planned to visit flood victims and draw the attention of the US public to relief work.
Moreover, Mr. Haqqani stands accused of influencing Judge Richard Berman negatively on Dr. Aafia’s innocence.
Ms. Ridley’s revelations are supported by circumstantial evidence. On January 26, 2010, frustrated by reports that Ambassador Haqqani appeared not interested in lobbying the US government for Dr. Aafia’s release, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani decided to make an unusual gesture. He bypassed Mr. Haqqani’s direct bosses at the Pakistan Foreign Office and directly telephoned him at his residence in Washington DC. According to an official press release, Prime Minister Gilani “advised him to keep strict eye on the progress of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui case and also directing him to update the Prime Minister on daily basis” on Dr. Aafia’s condition in jail.
As a further evidence of the sloppy work done by Ambassador Haqqani, Interior Minister Rehman Malik had to write to US Attorney General this week urging the release of Dr. Aafia.
Unlike Ms. McKinney, who has been speaking in Dr. Aafia’s favor at public events in the US, Mr. Haqqani has been avoiding such gatherings like the plague. [The reason for this is that Mr. Haqqani doesn’t want to irk the FBI and rock his chances of getting permanent US residence once his chance ambassadorship expires, his critics quip].
But the most serious allegations on his role in damaging Dr. Aafia’s case come in Yvonne Ridley’s column that she released this week.
Ms. Ridley writes:
And what of the ubiquitous Mr Haqqani? He’s not a career diplomat. In fact he holds US citizenship or has aspirations to making him a very peculiar choice as Pakistan’s man in Washington. Once his foray into the world of diplomacy comes to an end he’ll resume his career as a lecturer in America, something his US controllers remind him on a regular basis.
His Excellency has certainly been a busy little bee with regards Dr Aafia’s case, briefing some of my colleagues in the western media telling them ‘off-the-record’ what a bad woman she is!
Just recently his cover was blown when he refused the very excellent female politician Cynthia McKinney a visa to Pakistan. Cynthia was part of an international delegation due to travel to Islamabad to raise concerns about the case with the government there.
Mr Haqqani, who thinks nothing of giving visas to Blackwater guns-for-hire and mercenaries heading to the fresh killing fields of Pakistan saw fit to stop the former US Congress woman from travelling there.
He squirmed and wriggled after being hoisted by his own petard, but like a worm impaled firmly on a fishhook of his own making, he could not escape the humiliating exposure of his duplicitous behaviour.
If he has been briefing against Dr Aafia Siddiqui all this time, one can only imagine what nonsense he filled in Judge Richard Berman’s head during their private meetings. In any other country this sort of revelation would be a career wrecker for both men, but justice is the US is a strange beast.
(Yes, this is a serious allegation to make and I would have asked the judge personally, but he has banned me from using his fax and phone! Hilarious really, when you consider he has no legal jurisdiction in London, where I live. Obviously he thinks if he can hold a trial on a crime allegedly committed in Afghanistan, he can have me ‘renditioned’ and charged with contempt of court.)”
Considering that these allegations are tantamount to dereliction of duty on the part of Mr. Ambassador, maybe it is time for Prime Minister Gilani to place another direct call to Mr. Haqqani and ask him a straight question: Whose interests does he really represent?
Most Pakistanis know the answer anyway.
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We surely have strong feelings for Dr. Afia and also others who are in American prisons for war on terror. Why don’t you all go back to 9/11 and see the facts that this was done by America itself and they made a big plan to create an issue and attack our countries. By doing this they are benefiting in so many ways, they have the rights to imprison anyone under terrorism act and they can dig into private information and communication of anyone (even their own American people).
This whole war on terror is a scam and we should all unite to end the war. War is not an answer to any kind of problems, specially the problems America created themselves.
[...] to Washington Mr. Husain Haqqani denied her visa to Pakistan. The information is part of a wider list of allegations against Mr. Haqqani on his role in the trial of Dr. [...]
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by talha mujaddidi, Ahmed Quraishi. Ahmed Quraishi said: Stunning revelations about Husain Haqqani’s secret moves to scuttle Dr. Aafia’s release. It appears that Mr…. http://fb.me/HrqYhVcq [...]
Jee Utho for your self your children and your nation.
search on face book or click here
Well its an old days story whose interest MR HAQANNI represents? AHMED here is an other question WHOSE INTEREST OUR GOVT REPRESENTS? if they were really serious about bringing DR AFIA back and they know the covert activities of MR HAQANNI, he can b replaced or he must be kept under strict observation.I guess our nation have many HAQANNIS but DR AFIA is only one. I wish Mr HAQQANI and our stupid politions would have been common men of this world and DR AFIA would have been their daughter and then we all can ask them WHOSE INTEREST THEY REPRTESENT?
I doubt my message will pass your moderation test without eliminating the word “Army”. Long live the selective freedom of speech.
What is wrong with that? Army sold her and now our these politician brothers are in the business. It is a business stupid. Pakistan and Pakistanis are great commodities and give the best cash flow. Don’t you believe in free economy.
This man Haqqani should be kicked out of this job…………sooner the better. This guy is a real disgrace. I am amazed how come the powers to be are tolerating him since so long.
I wish I had the privelage to do the kicking myself.Such traitors ought to be put behind bars instead of Embassies. God help Pakistan if such people remain at helm of affairs.
He is one of the the most controversial fellows. But have u checked the background of his second wife Farah N. Isphani. Both she and Mr Khalid zalmay zad, were in the team of Slieg Harrison who was the moderator of one of the most influential think tank in Washington “Carnigee Endowment for Peace”and strongly anti Pakistan includes the European wife of Zalmay Zad. ZZ is the US permenant rep in the UN, and is an Afghani origin.
The sole reason he got married to this woman with tainted past, her connections with zionists. Her sister was married to an influential jew.
From ISI’s tout to CIA’s tout, this guy has a tainted histoy of using people especially women. The current wife is as low life as he himself and share one thing in common….anti-Pakistan way of thinking. Shameless bastards should be burnt alive.
son of a ****!!
Sept 24, 2010
My Dear Pakistanis; Please do not create any panic which might to move your peaceful moment towards bloodshed as conspiracy made against you by your enemies to break your faith and lesson of peace and harmony in accordance with Islam; So before making any comments please thinking over:
1) If an American Lady attack your government and try to kill your Army officer what you have to do?
Islam does not allow interfering in the matter of justice by creating and taking part in processions etc..? 100% No
What is the proof that she loves Pakistan?
2) If any American Lady shout {Death to (Naouzu-billah) Pakistan} what should be your reaction?
3) If any American Lady fire herself to blame Pakistan what will be your opinion?
4) If anyone works against Pakistan what will be your reaction, you will welcome her or ask the government to hang-up?
5) If Americans make processions or take out demonstration for her release; could it be justified by your court, keeping in view of demonstration they release a criminal?
6) Does Islam allow it? IF she is lady {Muslim or Non-Muslim}, she is free to do whatever she wants to do?
7) Does our religion allow any kind of outdoor activities for a woman or through Quran instruct and order the woman to be at home and does not allow moving outside without prior permission?
Then why upon sentence of 86 years for Mrs. Aafia Siddique; we are interfering in the matter which is being heard by an Honorable court; can we press a judge, to decide and write the decision according to our will or because her sister and family is active for her release so court must release her..
Why and how her sister become a famous figure in media, from where she bear and afford the huge processions, who is behind these activities?, are they telling us a true story, why all communities has taking part in demonstration, what is behind these processions?
We must ask you, why she is so important when she has been declared a criminal, for what reasons and motives:
1) Why she was in Afghanistan?
2) Why she went to USA for higher studies?
3) who afforded her hording and boarding expenses
4) Why she created an upset scene in Pakistan, while she was so brave?
5) Why innocent peoples, students and peoples of all communities are being asked to participate for her release while she has been charged as criminal,
6) Does Government of Pakistan has asked her to work for Pakistan and go to Afghanistan or she made a moment against USA as her own?
7) Why she has never been a part and parcel of our government in any scenario?
9) When and why she went to Afghanistan?
10) Why family first refused to identify their child and later accepted the child as their own?
11) What is the actual story behind this sentence and arrest?
12) Why we are not being up dated with actual news and views?
13) Why media telecast the program in her favor and do not entertain the neutral commentators.
14) We must ask the Pakistan government does they have any evidence that she has not committed any crime for which she has been sentence for 86 years, if yes why government of Pakistan is keeping it secret and do not show to public, if she is innocent?
15) If government of Pakistan claims that she is innocent then what is their reply why she was arrested from Afghanistan with weapon as per charge report?
16) If they claim it’s not true, she has been arrested from Pakistan then from where and why?
17) And who allowed the American to come and arrest this innocent lady…
18) A)If her sister is right, then what is the evidence of her innocence she have?
19) It is the most interesting that the sister of Afia is working very strange and It is also very anomalous how she is meeting all high ups of government of Pakistan
20) Even she is able to meet Prime Minister of Pakistan any time and it become news;
21) How she contact with PM or President or any High Military officials?
22) From where she brings contacts and how she becomes so prominent in few month of time?
23) Who direct the government officials to meet her?
24) And who is pressurizing our government to talk with her even after every hour?
25) What is the actual game?
26) How Prime Minister is available every time to meet her
27) How CM’s of all Provinces do not mind to welcome her even their busy hours?
28) Does her sister is creating any confusion and establishing any political party to get benefit for 86 years sentence to her sister?
29) Who are behind her?
30) From where she is bearing all expenses?
31) How she is frequently traveling here and there?
32) What are her interior motives?
33) What is their source of income?
34) Why not any politician has any difference with her opinion?
35) Why all parties are taking interest and act according to her wish?
36) Why not we think that if she is really an innocent lady then we must depute a lawyer for her release instead of taking processions and making demonstration and destroying our own properties.
37) Why we do not ask her Please stop destructing Pakistan and stop try to take decision of justice on roads instead of honorable court.
38) Why we are doing, what is the actual cause behind?
39) Time will tell us and if someone is making us fool, then time will never avoid teaching us a worst lesson on it.
40) We must stop unwanted wars,
41) Demonstrations
42) and processions,
43) let Pakistan be stable,
44) It’s already much injured by great Flood and millions of Pakistanis are still await for your help,
45) Please come forward for millions,
46) Avoid contempt of court activities, if you do not honor others decision, no one will honor yours decisions
47) If she is on right path, so being a Muslim, you must believe that Allah help those who help themselves.
48) Whilst if it is matter of Islam, why none of our Muslim country never comment on it.
49) Be Human
50) Become Good Muslim
51) Keep your faith in Allah
52) Never speak without having full knowledge and never support anyone without knowing the truth
53) Allah Hafiz
Proud to be a Pakistani
Dr. Syed Hamid Hussain Naqvi Subzwari
Dear Dr. Syed Hamid Hussain Subzwari,
I don’t know the actual reality of this case I think nobody know including your except Dr. Afia, her family some officials of Pakistan and US.
But point to think is that she is being much humiliated she has been disappeared from Karachi along with her three underage kids in 2003. and has been highly tortured for four years she is being held in exactly the same conditions as the men and has absolutely no privacy when it comes to toilet and shower facilities “This would never happen to a Western woman and it shows just how women are viewed by the US military., where as her case was bring into court just few months later
Here is reference of Dawn News paper on 10th November 2008 on 5th letter named: “Afia in US Custody: Editorial page
Aafia in US custody
IMRAN Khan and Yvonne Ridley broke the news on July 7 at a press conference at Islamabad that the woman prisoner No. 650 in the notorious US jail of Bagram, Afghanistan, was Dr Aafia Siddiqui. Now the same persons from the same place are stating that prisoner No. 650 was not Dr Siddiqui rather she was some other Muslim woman.
Source of News: http://www.dawn.com/2008/11/10/letted.htm
Another link by protest by western society where they
Example.1: I was working some work on Iraq war many things have been explored during my research.
Most pain full was rapes of many innocent women by US army you can Google images on
I am posting only a link may find may images if you search. http://www.tamilnet.tv/images2/2009-10-07/US%20troops%20rape%20girl%201.jpg
Example.2: Another link from how this anti Islam group is lobbying all Muslims are crying for their rights actually Muslim are not terrorist they are being pretended as terrorist. Please watch the link fighting for self-defense is not terrorism
I just gave two examples how western extremist treat Muslim women.
Its not matter of what she did which we all don’t know exactly matter is what are the right of a female prisoner.
If she can be treated like that then what about those US Army who raped afghan women in Afghan and Iraq war. Neither had they killed thousand of innocent women and children in Iraq and Afghan war they either use biological weapons or destroyed their future generation too.
Please click the link to see new born babies after using biological weapons.
Who will punish them who destroyed generations of mulims?
I just want to say she should not be as humiliated as she is being
Lubnah ( )
Please do not blame this man, whatever his name – Haqqani, this poor bagger is simply obeying the orders of his zionists Masters. Perhaps by now he would not even remember any thing about this Lady, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.
What else do you expect from this Government and its representatives. Their only qualification for this appointment is to be disloyal to your country. This can only happen in our beloved country Pakistan where the patriot public is a bunch of dumb cows who start giving milk to whoever holds its rope. We have no standards and have accepted an under matric President and who now insists that he has Presidential / constitutional protection. When a person does not have basic qualification for a post, how can he enjoy its prerogatives. May Allah helps us in getting capable leadership who can shoulder these heavy responsibilities.Ameen!
Fire the bastard. Don’t be apologetic and speak with one voice. This debacle of his to not be able to secure the freedom of a daughter of this nation renditioned to a country that he holds the ambassadorship to, is grounds for termination. No two thoughts about it. Who in foreign office calls the shots. If they don’t act, then the PM needs to fire the FM also. If the PM doesn’t act, then fire the PM.
Do you all get the picture. enough is enough. Stop just writing and get mobolized instead. Like the Kashmiris youths. These inept bastards need to be shown the door. This is your country and you are all living in it. Take charge and change it.