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Insulting The Green And The Crescent
This is the latest evidence in how the United States and Britain are at the forefront of distorting Pakistan’s image globally, in addition to their role in exporting terror from Afghanistan into Pakistan, and empowering anti-Pakistan forces in the region.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010.
The Nation.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—It should be abundantly clear that the British government and media have commenced a campaign against Pakistan both at the diplomatic and propaganda levels. Prime Minister David Cameron fired the first salvo deliberately choosing India so as to have the proper impact in Pakistan. Our state, seeming to wallow in abuse at the hands of the White Man, pussyfooted around these abusive remarks and shamefully President Zardari continued with his private visit to the UK while the Foreign Office woke up only days later to summon the British High Commissioner – when it realised the public outcry was getting stronger. Not that any of this mattered since the British Prime Minister was totally unrepentant and, just to make sure the Pakistanis got the point, he reiterated that he meant what he had said and was neither going to take his words back or express any regret over them. Now where does Foreign Minister Qureshi stand, given how he insisted the Cameron remarks were a mere “slip of the tongue”?
Following Cameron, The Independent (clearly not so independent of UK government links!) newspaper has now seen fit to distort the Pakistani flag in a way that clearly insults the nation. Would they dare to do something like this to the Indian flag? This is a repeat of the blasphemous cartoons targeting Islam in the absurd claims of “freedom of expression”, only this time Pakistan is the target. Everyone knows the national flag symbolises the nation and the British media, by disfiguring the flag, has assaulted the state and nation of Pakistan. How many more insults will our leaders compel us to bear? Is there no end to how much abuse we are meant to take in the post-9/11 era?
This report was first published by The Nation here. Reach Dr. Mazari at
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Totally agree with this, but what does Mazari suggest is the best solution ?
If this was a playground incident it would end up in a fight, and rightly so.
Our puppet leaders have stooped so low taking insults from the west day and night, and they have also cowardly allowed the most oppressive regime be forced upon those of us who live in the west, this proves we pakistanis dont have any representative that fits with our values. It proves democracy does cabn never deliver rulers that care for the people. In short our rulers are insulting us, our beloved prophet (saw) and our women, and our children, and our Deen. They have to go, the military should act or they should emigrate and leave Pakistan to the sincere muslims.