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Unfortunately, pro-US elements in the Pakistani media and government have launched a campaign to push the Pakistani military into a debacle in North Waziristan, where Pakistan will again be fighting its own citizens. The biggest beneficiary will be TTP and other groups that are being supported by Pakistan’s enemies on Afghan soil.
By Dr. Shahida Wizarat
Tuesday, 4 May 2010.
KARACHI, Pakistan—A concerted effort is now under way in Pakistan to push the military to start an operation in North Waziristan. This can be seen from the visit of Gen. Petraeus to Pakistan in which he tried to exert pressure on the civilian and military leadership to start a military operation in North Waziristan and for Pakistan to get involved in the Afghan war in Kandahar.
Extending the war will act as a catalyst. It will unleash mayhem, bomb explosions, and terrorist attacks. A terrorist attack on India, followed by the latter committing aggression against Pakistan when the Pakistan army is bogged down in Balochistan, FATA, and Sarhad will push things to a head in the standoff with India.
Pakistan will be fighting its own citizens in FATA and Khyber-Pakhtoonkhawa [a combination of the brainwashed, the innocent and those working for other powers] plus the Afghan Mujahideen and India.
The writer is an eminent political economist.
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The sooner we realize that we need an ‘independent’ government system in this country – the better. It is not just important for this country, but also this region. Our leadership simply is incapable of having a vision of independence. We are collectively paying a very heavy price for political subjugation. Its time to break the chains….the ”masters’ know it; high time the people rise!
The sooner we realize that we need an ‘independent’ government system in this country – the better. It is not just important for this country, but also this region. Our leadership simply is incapable of having a vision of independence. We are collectively paying a very heavy price for political subjugation. Its time to break the chains….the ”masters’ know it; high time the people rise!
The situation is of our own making, in particular the army that was in charge. Where was the need to start bombing, rocketing and shelling villages in Waziristan in 2001? They had done no harm to Pakistan and TTP was non-existent then. Whatever their faults, Taliban were the most Pakistan-friendly government there had ever been in Afghanistan. Did we not realise that by joining the western crusade to destroy them we were doing irreparable harm to our own vital national interest? We may not have been able to save them but we should never have become a party to their destruction.
This was a terrible miscalculation and national interest was sacrificed for whatever reasons. Military action and use of excessive force that involves killing of any innocents is a crime against humanity under international law. It becomes unimaginably worse when we do this to people who are our own kith and kin. It leaves deep wounds and provokes the compulsion to seek revenge. It is a vicious never-ending cycle —- innocents die in the effort to pacify which in turn creates more enemies.
The argument that since we are in this predicament we have no option but to go on killing is untenable. The way to make amends is not by compounding the error. To fight TTP or whoever they may be you have to get the people and their sympathies and support on your side. You have to isolate the enemy. Indiscriminate bombing, rocketing and shelling of villages has exactly the opposite effect. There has to be a political settlement —- not with the terrorists but with the tribesmen.
The endless war that we have embraced against out own people will have catastrophic consequences. We have already squandered $50 billion dollars or more on this most unwise undertaking and there is no end in sight. The threat of bankruptcy looms large as does the prospect of alienation and national disintegration. There is an urgent need to stop, think and re-evaluate.
If only we had spent a fraction of what we have blown away in the fighting, on uplift and welfare of people in the tribal belt, the situation would certainly have been vastly different than the one we find ourselves in today. We should be thinking along similar lines. There may still be time to change course and avert complete disaster.
India & US are deeply involved in destroying Pakistan & are investing a lot to gain their targets. May Allah destroy both & save Pakistan from any further destruction
It’s bound to happen as pak army cannot survive without american aid. It’s an established fact that cannot be ignored;.