An independent South Africa water expert who worked in New Delhi is surprised to see the Indian media systematically ridicule Pakistani water concerns. He was even more surprised to see the media in Pakistan, a country often derided for having military governments, provide full coverage to Indian views on Pakistan’s water crisis while Indians fail to show a similar magnanimity.
By allowing foreign militaries a free reign in our tribal belt to kill hundreds of innocent Pakistanis, Pakistan is committing the same mistake as Putin’s, who initially did well a decade ago by crushing the rebellion in Chechnya but now is creating more rebels because of highhandedness.
Ahmed Quraishi got the last word on Aljazeeras Inside Story to calmly mention some facts about what the ‘other India’ is doing in Afghanistan, in a show where a former director of Indian Military Intelligence and an American think-tank type from Washington spent time demonizing Pakistan. Aljazeera’s anchor Imran Jardah was neutral. He admitted the [...]
Pakistan is flexing its military might near the Indian border in massive war games, this is a clear indication that Pakistan feels secure from its western borders and is comfortable in moving the defence resources towards the eastern border to confront any threat.
All branches of the military are taking part in the exercises named Azm-e-Nau, [...]
April 26, 2010 | Posted in
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Pictures show cool and calm assassins. These are not mountain terrorists but cold blooded, well trained killers.
A retired officer of the Pakistani military who has seen the original photographs within hours of the assassination has no doubt of linkages to foreign killers and their Pakistani accomplices inside Pakistan. The killers were both Pakistanis and foreigners.
By [...]
Read how a veteran of a military government in Pakistan [1977-1988] explains the democratic credentials of Pakistan’s democratic warriors.
Sunday, 18 April 2010.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Military-led governments in Pakistan have failed in creating long term stability and fostering national identity, like the ruling party did in China. This failure is well known. But Pakistan’s destructive politics [...]
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan–A sign of Pakistan-India peace? Hardly. How the wedlock between a Pakistani sportsman and an Indian tennis player is a PR disaster for India and holds implications for relations with Pakistan.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan–Private US defense contractors held Pakistani and Afghan citizens kidnapped from Pakistani tribal territory inside the building of the US Consulate in Peshawar when it was attacked by armed men on April 5.
Monday, 12 April 2010.
The Nation
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—The dice is already loaded against Pakistan at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington that starts today. According to a Reuters report and information from other sources, are already talking of how India and other anti-Pakistan forces are planning to gang up on Pakistan by not only [...]
[In Urdu] All major Pakistani political parties have militant wings armed with banned weapons. The present elected govt has issued close to 40,000 banned weapon permits in less than two years. AQ talks to party workers to show Pakistanis one more hidden aspect of Pakistans failed political system: an armed democracy monopolized by a few [...]
India’s Covert War In Afghanistan
Ahmed Quraishi’s blunt comment on Aljazeera about India’s covert activities in Afghanistan that belie its claim to a humanitarian interest in the war-torn country.
April 13, 2010 | Posted in
Foreign Meddling,
Foreign Policy,
Hindu Terrorism,
Indian Military,
Indian Terrorism,
War To Cripple Pakistan,
War on Terror | Read More »
This Is How US Agents Sneak Into Pakistan
Exclusive footage and video about an American woman, most probably a US agent, who was caught illegally entering Pakistani tribal belt from Afghanistan.
April 13, 2010 | Posted in
Foreign Meddling,
Foreign Policy,
Pak-US Dialogue,
United States,
War To Cripple Pakistan,
War on Terror | Read More »
Pakistani Analysts Skeptical On US-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue
Seven top notch Pakistani commentators and diplomats offer an insightful skeptical view on the prospects of the soon-to-be-launched Pakistan-US Strategic Dialogue.
April 7, 2010 | Posted in
Ahmed Quraishi,
Foreign Meddling,
Foreign Policy,
Nuclear Program,
Pak-US Dialogue,
Pakistani Politics,
Shireen M. Mazari,
United States,
War To Cripple Pakistan,
War on Terror | Read More »

Before we take another strategic U-turn on Afghanistan, Pakistan’s Policymakers must read this:
- Pakistan is conceptualized as a theater of war in American operational plans as the term Af-Pak suggests so strategic dialog under the presence of such perception is nothing more than an illusion
April 7, 2010 | Posted in Uncategorized |
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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Making bomb runs with dive deliveries of weapons and hitting at enemy’s mock bunkers, the fighter aircraft of Pakistan Air Force on Tuesday demonstrated a high level of tactical preparedness featuring speed, precision and strength. With thunderous supersonic boom, the aircraft representing PAF’s fleet including F-16s, JF-17 Thunder, Mirages and F-7 JP appeared in the blue skies during PAF’s Firepower Demonstration at Thal Range, that spans over an area of 34,000 acres. The demo started with two A-5 aircraft – one carrying a National Flag and the other with a welcome banner, flew past the audience including Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani, services chiefs, parliamentarians and PAF officials.
April 7, 2010 | Posted in Uncategorized |
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