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Ever wonder why American drones attacking Pakistan from Afghanistan are operated by CIA and not the U.S. military? Because the game has reached a dead end. CIA assets and agents inside Pakistani territory, like Baitullah Mehsud, have been beaten by the Pakistani military and are on the retreat, begging for a ceasefire. Seeing its assets vanish, CIA is flying drones to eliminate tribal leaders loyal to Pakistan. Our Foreign Office has admitted for the first time that Pak-American ties are at their worst. The U.S. war against Pakistan has already been launched, without declaration.
Sunday, 2 November 2008.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—The CIA has now declared an aggressive but covert war against Pakistan in a desperate attempt to counter success of Pakistan army and Governor NWFP in countering CIA / RAW backed terrorist groups in the tribal areas of Pakistan.
For the first time, there is panic in Langley, CIA headquarters, over the success of Pakistani strategy in tribal areas. This may seem bizarre but this is the reality of the dirty game being played by the American spy agency. The CIA’s game is falling apart in tribal areas and they are getting more and more ruthless and sinister.
Before we get into the details, let us refresh what we wrote last week. It is all building up and now dots can be easily connected.
We had written:
On the western front, U.S. continues to create security issues for Pakistan. The U.S. strategy is strange to say the least if not downright sinister. Within Afghanistan, U.S. is involved in direct talks and dialogue with most hard core Taliban leaders. But in Pakistani tribal areas, where only the local Pakistan Taliban are based, U.S. wants Pakistan army to wage a full fledged war! The fact of the matter is that local Pakistani Taliban like Baitullah Mehsud or his likes are only fighting the State of Pakistan and NOT the Americans inside Afghanistan. In fact, there is clear evidence to suggest that U.S. and India are actually patronizing and protecting these terrorist assets operating against State of Pakistan. Also, these local Taliban or their allies are no threat to U.S. or its allies anywhere in the world. So, why is U.S. so keen to force Pakistan into a bloody war inside its own tribal areas? The reason is obvious – it is another chapter in CIA’s dirty war to create enough anarchy in Pakistan to justify its case against Pakistan’s nuclear assets.
It would be a tight balancing act for the army and ISI. They know the CIA game plan and have already been bitten seriously by their allies in this secret covert war against the State. Army was forced and then duped to fight a war which was not its own.
U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan is NOT Pakistan’s war. The war by CIA’s backed militant assets against the State, army and ISI has been forced upon Pakistan due to U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. The way to fight this war is NOT just to push it away from within but also to extinguish it from its source: the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. It seems that while Pakistan fights local Taliban it will also have to confront U.S. on this fundamental issue.
For the past seven years, it is Pakistan which was taking the losses in the tribal areas while Indians and CIA, based in Afghanistan, created their own assets and ruthless militias to draw in and fight Pakistan into a protracted war within its own borders. While Pakistan took the losses, Indians and CIA were happy at supporting, funding and pushing more and more funds, explosives and equipment to their assets in the tribal areas. It was around 2005 when Pakistanis realized for the first time that it is being double-crossed by its allies in the name of war on terror and shifted gears to identify the ‘good Taliban’ from the ‘bad Taliban’. It was quickly established that out of hundreds of small and large groups operating in the tribal areas, they can be safely classified into four categories.
- Afghan Taliban led by Mullah Omar, Jalaluddin Haqqani and Gulbadin Hekmatyar. These are all Afghans and none of them have ever declared war against Pakistan despite some very harsh treatment meted out to them by Pakistan under Musharraf era.
- The local ‘good Taliban’ who were Pakistanis and had sympathies with Afghan Taliban but were not against the State of Pakistan and never wanted to fight the Pakistan army or the State. Peace deals were signed with Nek Muhemmed in South Waziristan, Mullah Nazir in south Waziristan and Haji Gul Bahadur in North Waziristan. CIA immediately eliminated Nek Muhammed to be replaced with one of their own assets Baitullah Mehsud!! That was the time when the CIA game was really exposed to ISI and Pakistani security establishment.
- The ‘Bad Taliban’, CIA and RAW assets who were only fighting the State of Pakistan and not the U.S. inside Afghanistan. Baitullah Mehsud, Mullah Fadlullah and Lal Masjid brigade fell in this category. U.S. has never attacked Baitullah Mehsud even once and is protecting him with all its resources despite repeated requests by Pakistan to take out the most wanted terrorist.
- Fourth category of militants were local brigands, gangsters, criminals and highway men who were exploiting the local environment and made their own gangs in the name of Taliban but were neither fighting the Americans nor wished to face Pakistan army. They just harassed local population and fought sectarian wars within. Mangal Bagh near Peshawar is one such case to be noted. It was this Mangal Bagh who was presented by our media as someone about to capture Peshawar. Which is funny and naïve.
In the last one year or so, Pakistan has signed multiple peace deals with ‘Good Taliban’, isolated the bad guys and finally has struck the ‘Bad Taliban’ very hard. This has brought the entire axis of CIA-backed militants under severe pressure from two sides. Loyalist tribes and militants are now also attacking and isolating anti-Pakistan militants and for the first time, the TTP, the so-called ‘Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’, the terrorist setup run by Baitullah Mehsud, is taking most severe beating. Baitullah’s own brother has been killed and their allies in Khar are considering surrender. Local tribes are now up in arms against them and the tide is finally turning in Pakistan’s favor.
TTP suspends activities in Mamond
KHAR, Oct 31: Tehrik-i-Taliban has unilaterally suspended its activities in the Mamond area of Bajaur, according to a spokesman of the militia. ‘Yes, Taliban have unilaterally suspended their activities after negotiations with local elders, but it doesn’t mean that we have surrendered our weapons,’ Maulvi Omar told Dawn on phone from an unspecified place on Friday.
Baitullah’s brother killed
BANNU, Oct 26: A younger brother of Baitullah Mehsud, the chief of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, was killed by armed men in Bannu on Sunday morning. Police recovered the body from the ring road near Nullah Kashu.
Bajaur militants agree to surrender unconditionally
KHAR, Oct 29: A number of militant commanders in Bajaur expressed willingness on Wednesday to unconditionally lay down arms and stop attacks on government personnel and installations. It is learnt that the commanders, who attended a jirga of Barmakazai and Oryazai tribes of Mamond tehsil, agreed to surrender and give an undertaking to the political authorities about their good conduct.
Tribesmen stand up to Taliban; lose 12, kill 7
MINGORA, Oct 26: Twelve jirga members were executed and seven militants, including commander Mulla Shamsher, were killed in fighting between a tribal force and militants loyal to radical cleric Maulana Fazlullah in Swat valley on Sunday. Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan said Mulla Shamsher Ali, two other militants and 12 members of a Lashkar were killed in the clash.
Taliban supporters surrender
KHAR, Oct 28: A number of supporters of militants surrendered to the Mamond lashkar on Tuesday amid reports that tribal volunteers have consolidated their positions in the Bajaur region. Assistant Political Agent Mohammad Jamil told Dawn that Taliban’s supporters in Daber, Shakaro, Shahi Tangi and Kherkai areas of the Mamond subdivision had laid down arms before a jirga, renounced militancy and vowed to fight against the Taliban.
The entire CIA game plan was about to collapse. They had to spring into action and they did with vengeance. Now CIA is only targeting those militants who have signed peace deals with Pakistan and have joined hands with Pakistan army to isolate and hunt the terrorist TTP gangs. This is most sinister, ruthless and criminal betrayal of entire Pakistani State, society and nation by the CIA and U.S. It is not just CIA’s secret war. The entire U.S. foreign policy is behind this dirty and sick plan.
Official rationalises raids in ‘badlands’
LONDON, Oct 31: A country should have the right to attack another if it is harbouring a potential terrorist threat, according to the U.S. homeland security chief. In remarks appearing to justify recent U.S. raids in Pakistan and Syria, Michael Chertoff said international law should accommodate a country’s need to deter a possible threat abroad even if it meant taking pre-emptive action. His comments follow recent secret raids by U.S. forces into Pakistan and Syria that drew condemnation from those countries.
Now that puts the client government of President Asif Ali Zardari in a real fix. On one hand, they have been placed through a CIA orchestrated ‘free and fair’ democratic election to make sure that U.S. gets what it wants but on the other hand, they have to present a face of some modesty as well against a hostile local mood. A tough balancing act for totally corrupt and subservient government.
U.S. remains arrogant and has already dismissed the resolution passed by the weak rubber-stamp parliament against the U.S. raids. U.S. has made it clear. It will continue to attack and kill all pro-Pakistan militants while protecting its assets to continue waging their war against Pakistan. The war has already been declared, even though hidden under the facade of diplomatic niceties.
Strong protest lodged over drone attacks
By Baqir Sajjad Syed
ISLAMABAD, Oct 29: The Foreign Office summoned U.S. Ambassador Anne W. Patterson on Wednesday and lodged a protest against recent drone attacks on Pakistan’s territory.Spokesman Mohammad Sadiq said that a ‘strong protest’ had been lodged with the ambassador….
FO admits ties with U.S. strained
ISLAMABAD, Oct 31: The Foreign Office on Friday indirectly admitted that Islamabad’s relations with Washington were strained over the handling of militancy ‘politically and diplomatically’. ‘We are passing through a difficult period strategically, politically and, of course, the situation on the border with Afghanistan is complex,’ Foreign Office spokesman Mohammad Sadiq said during a press briefing in reply to a question about Pakistan-U.S. relations.
Pakistan has very serious problem: U.S.
WASHINGTON, Oct 29: The United States said on Wednesday it was ready to discuss Pakistan’s ‘very serious problem’ with extremism anytime authorities there wished to, but vowed no let-up in counter-terrorism efforts. Declining to comment specifically on suspected U.S. strikes along the border with Afghanistan, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said: ‘We are committed to working with Pakistan to beat back what is a common enemy in the terrorists’.
The funny thing is that within Afghanistan, U.S. is even willing to drop Mullah Omar from the list of wanted terrorists and have now initiated a peace process with Afghan Taliban! The U.S. losses in Afghanistan are now staggeringly high and it is an unsustainable war for the U.S. and NATO alliance. They have decided to change their tactics and strategy. Now Taliban are being lured into a dialogue process. It has already begun. Even friendly countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey are getting involved. Pakistan is also considering initiating talks with Karzai and Mullah Omar. The condition of U.S. is getting desperate and they want an end to fighting in Afghanistan. But this law does not apply in Pakistani tribal areas where CIA is waging a ruthless war.
If anyone feels that our analysis is too hypothetical and poised at being biased, we would suggest them to read about Operation Northwoods, a classic CIA operation with all its sinister and dark attributes which the U.S. spy masters are capable of. For normal humans, these are unthinkable options. For CIA, this is daily business. The same is now being done in Pakistan and Pakistani tribal areas and these times their tool for mass slaughter and murder is TTP of Baitullah Mehsud, which is now under pressure from Pakistan army. There is a reason why these drones are operated by CIA and NOT by U.S. military.
Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a false flag conspiracy plan, proposed within the United States government in 1962. The plan called for CIA or …
Code named Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent …
This column has been edited for AhmedQuraishi.com and , extracted with permission from a situation report released by BRASSTACKS, a security and defense analysis think tank based in Islamabad. Mr. Zaid Hamid is its Founding Consultant and the author of this report. He can be reached at You can also visit www.brasstacks.pk
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Long live for Pakistan and Pakistan army.
Thanks to Allah, that Chief of Army staff General Kiyanii is present in the strategic dialogue.